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A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part III


The last person I want to tell you about is Dr John Money.

grossmanIn 1955, he introduced the radical concept that maleness and femaleness is a feeling, separate from anatomy and chromosomes.

He was convinced we are born without gender, then conditioned by society to identify either male or female.

Dr Money was a prominent psychologist; he's well respected to this day.  But he was on the same page as Kinsey and the others.

He described pedophilia as "a love affair between an age-discrepant couple."  Dr Money was also part of the incest lobby: "For a child to have a sexual experience with a relative," he wrote, "was not necessarily a problem."  Like Kinsey, Money had deep emotional wounds.  His identity as a man was troubled, and he molested young boys.

What's so astonishing is these men, these very disturbed men, using fraudulent data and theories that have been discredited, succeeded in transforming much of society.  Today's sexuality education is based on their teachings.

Once I understood who the founders were — Kinsey, Calderone, Pomeroy, Money, and others — I understood how we got to today's "comprehensive sexuality education."  I knew how we reached today's madness.

It came from disturbed individuals with dangerous ideas — radical activists who wanted to create a society that would not only accept their pathology, it would celebrate it!

These men were pedophiles.  It was in their interest to see children as miniature adults who enjoyed sexual contact, and had the right to consent to it, without other adults, or the law, interfering.

Why would they value childhood innocence?  They didn't believe children were innocent to begin with.

They also thought that restricting sex to between husband and wife was unnatural and destructive.

They weren't fighting disease, they were fighting ancient taboos; they were fighting biblical morality.

Bottom line: Sexuality Ed began as a social movement, and it remains a social movement.  Its goal is for students to be open to just about any form of sexual expression.  Sex ed is not about preventing disease, it's about sexual freedom, or better — sexual license.

Its about changing society, one child at a time.

They weren't fighting disease, they were fighting ancient taboos; they were fighting biblical morality.

You don't have to be a physician to understand the dangers of this ideology.  All you need is common sense.

I no longer ask where did the madness come from, I know where it came from.  What I ask, what we all must ask, is: how does it continue unchecked for fifty years?  How do groups like SIECUS remain so powerful and well funded?

Where's the accountability?

All responsible adults have an obligation to fight the promotion of sexual license to young people.  For sure, it's an uphill battle; sometimes it appears enormous, like David fighting Goliath.

But I am here to tell you that we have a secret weapon, like David's sling.  The secret weapon is 21st century science: biological truths about the body's design, and how the mind is wired to respond to intimate behavior.

The fundamental premises if sexuality education — the radical theories of Kinsey, Pomeroy, Money and others — are easily debunked with 21st century science.

Yes, the battle is uphill.  Yes, at times it seems enormous, like David fighting the giant Goliath.  But think a moment…I don't need to remind you, do I?

Who won that battle?


A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part I
A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part II
A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part III

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grossman Miriam Grossman, M.D. "A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part III." 7th World Congress of Families (May, 2013).

Based on a talk presented at the 7th World Congress of Families in Sydney, May 2013. Reprinted with permission of the author.

The Author

Grossman2smGrossmansmMiriam Grossman, M.D., is a board certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. She writes and speaks to parents, students, educators, and health professionals internationally on the dangers of political correctness in her profession. She is the author of You're Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education How They Harm Your Child and Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student. Her website is here.  

Copyright © 2013 Miriam Grossman, M.D.

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