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A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part II


Alfred Kinsey had a dream.  He would prove to the world — and himself — that his lifestyle was normal.  Average.  Typical.

grossmanIt was society that was at fault, with its religions, moral codes, and restrictions.  Society made people feel guilty for following their natural urges, and that was unhealthy.

Kinsey's dream was to free people from those destructive institutions — to free the "human animal".

He did thousands of interviews, crunched the numbers, and concluded that most people practiced forbidden sexual behaviors: the average mom and dad were living a double life, just like he was.

His conclusions were widely questioned by leading scientists, but the criticism didn't seem to matter.  The popular press accepted Kinsey's reports and his books were best-sellers.  A revolution was spawned and western culture transformed.

The problem is, his research was fundamentally flawed.  His samples were too small and the demography was badly skewed.  He excluded some populations and focused on others — most notably, imprisoned felons.  His subjects were preselected, since he relied on volunteers for his data.

The whole nefarious scheme has been exposed in a number of books and videos by Dr Judith Reisman.  I urge you to check out her work at for yourself, if you've got a strong stomach.

Kinsey died in 1956.  This was a time in America that, thanks to antibiotics, venereal diseases were being obliterated.  With one shot, syphilis and gonorrhea were cured.  It was believed this was the end of STDs, the end of all infections.

Can you imagine?

The 1960 winner of the Nobel prize in medicine said "we are seeing the virtual elimination of infectious diseases".

Also in 1960, birth control pills became widely available.  With STDs easily cured, and pregnancy preventable, the only obstacles to Kinsey's anything-goes model of sexuality was Judeo-Christian morality.

It was in this context that in 1964 Dr Mary Calderone founded SIECUS (sexuality information and education council of the US).

This is the group behind the sexuality education guidelines published by UNESCO, aggressively promoted to nations all over the world…likely the curricula in your countries are based on SIECUS guidelines.

Dr Calderone created SIECUS with seed money provided by Hugh Hefner.

Like Kinsey, she was on a crusade to change society.  Sex education has too much negativity, she insisted, too much focus on unwanted pregnancy and diseases.  The real problem, she insisted, following Kinsey, was that society is puritanical and repressed.

There were too many no's in sex ed.  The approach of SIECUS, Dr Calderone promised, would be based on yesses.  Proper sex ed would teach children that from the day they're born they are sexual beings, and that the expression of their sexuality is positive, natural, and healthy.

She told parents,

"Children are sexual and think sexual thoughts and do sexual things….parents must accept and honor their child's erotic potential."

The real problem, she insisted, following Kinsey, was that society is puritanical and repressed.


"Professionals who study children have recently affirmed the strong sexuality of the newborn."

What did it mean, exactly, to be open and positive, and to replace the no's of sex education with yesses?

What did it mean to "break from traditional views"?

It meant more than premarital and extra-marital sex…much more.  Modern sex ed was about breaking boundaries.  There were officials within SIECUS who were so radical they argued publicly for relaxing the taboos against adult/child sexuality, even incest.

Wardell Pomeroy was a disciple of Kinsey's who served as president of SIECUS.  He argued, "It is time to admit that incest need not be a perversion or a symptom of mental illness."

TIME magazine described Pomeroy (along with John Money, more about him in Part III) as part of the "pro-incest lobby".

The SIECUS president wrote a book, Boys & Sex, for grades six and up.  Here's a sample:

"...our sexual like that of other animals...There is essentially nothing that humans do sexually that is abnormal."

Calderone provided a blurb for the book jacket:

"As I read your manuscript, I kept saying to myself, 'At last it is being said...'"


A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part I
A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part II
A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part III

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grossman Miriam Grossman, M.D. "A Brief History of Sex Ed - Part II." 7th World Congress of Families (May, 2013).

Based on a talk presented at the 7th World Congress of Families in Sydney, May 2013. Reprinted with permission of the author.

The Author

Grossman2smGrossmansmMiriam Grossman, M.D., is a board certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. She writes and speaks to parents, students, educators, and health professionals internationally on the dangers of political correctness in her profession. She is the author of You're Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education How They Harm Your Child and Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student. Her website is here.  

Copyright © 2013 Miriam Grossman, M.D.

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