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The Priesthood, the Eucharist, and God's Crazy Love


The Eucharist, looked at in deep faith, gives birth to the best priestly vocations.

beneucharistBecause they come from Eucharistic love, they are the best. Vocations arise from deep love of the Blessed Sacrament. Apply Mother Teresa's words. It could be that you will be called from Mass to touch dying souls with God's love. God wants nothing more from the priest than to communicate to dying souls the truth that God does love you!

When you see it, you will forget worldly pursuits to sacrifice yourself in this way. Is there anything more magnificent than following Christ who wants priestly witness in you coming from your Eucharistic love? 

If you strongly believe in this greatest miracle which by God's power takes place in the Mass, you will believe that faith works miracles and gathers crowds alive with his mysterious love. They will only want to live for this life of Eucharistic love. That is because they will have found that life only makes sense in clinging to the one who wants to save our dying world and is sending you to help him. Still there are so few, these sent ones, but you will come from the altar alive with God's glory in your heart. Your conversation will be different. It will be God himself pouring graces through you. 

If you have received the glory of discovery of the Eucharist, so you may desire to sacrifice your life for the Eucharist. Nothing could be better. The priest has blessed hands through distributing God's presence in the Blessed Sacrament. There is nothing more sacred than this. Seeing this through your hesitations, you will see its indescribable value. 

In place of Christ, the priest holds the host. It is incredible that the priest is so close to God himself. This just shows God's crazy love because it is he who rules the entire world. You will raise God. You will be giving God to others. You will be repeating the words of Jesus himself. By the power of the Holy Spirit you will be a channel for the biggest miracle in the world. 

Can you hold back from racing after this God who lets you hold him in your palms for so long, letting you be close to him rather like his Blessed Mother? Only by faith can you discover the invisible. Perhaps, like that angel's Eucharistic vision, you will undergo a crisis in which God shows you the truth, scales will fall from your eyes, and you will see. Only in deep faith is it possible to see God on the altar. Before the glory of eternity, here and now there is power and infinite majesty. 

This is J. Fraser Field, Founder of CERC. I hope you appreciated this piece. We curate these articles especially for believers like you.

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dajczer Father Tadeusz Dajczer, "The Priesthood, the Eucharist, and God's Crazy Love." from The Mystery of Faith (Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2010).

Reprinted by permission of Paraclete Press. All rights reserved.

The Author

daj daj1 Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer (†2009) was ordained to the Priesthood in 1955 in Warsaw, Poland. In the life of Fr. Dajczer, a decisive moment took place during his confession with St. Padre Pio. St. Padre Pio asked his penitent, with astonishment and great force, why he did not want to go toward God to the end. For Fr. Dajczer it was a shocking experience and at the same time, the beginning of a search for sanctity both for himself and for his penitents. He is the author of The Mystery of Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist, and The Gift of Faith, which has been translated into 26 languages. He is the co-founder of the Families of Nazareth Movement, which is currently present in 40 countries.

Copyright © 2010 Paraclete Press

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