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We've Got Issues—and They're Cosmic

I've been re-reading St. Augustine's City of God lately, both for the TCT course I'm teaching this Fall but also because it’s the most insightful—and influential—Catholic meditation on religion and politics.

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Vatican II at 60: 'Backwardist' to the Future?

The pontificate of Pope Francis seems to feel most comfortable in the immediate post-conciliar period, yet those who desire to drag the Church back to 1972 must contend with the colossal interpretative legacy of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

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A Tale of Two Crises

In comments to a gathering of conservative Catholic college professors recently, I remarked that in modern times American Catholicism has experienced two major crises: the post-Conciliar crisis right after Vatican Council II and the post-post-Conciliar crisis now underway with no end in sight.

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