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Willful Blindness


In the entire history of pathetic gestures, do any top condemning Libya's brutality without expelling it from the Human Rights Council?


It would take the dark menacing imagination of Flann O'Brien, the fabulator of the absurd terrible world of his greatest novel, The Third Policeman, to be capable of equal encounter with some of the collateral absurdities that touch on the brutal crisis in Libya.

As we in the West hear of the tyrant (funny how that word is so much more visible in the last week or so than it has been in the dispatches prior to the uprising) threatening, or having ordered, strafing raids from jet aircraft against his own citizens; of helicopter gunships being called up for – grim euphemism – crowd control; talk of rivers of blood from Gaddafi himself and his reptile offspring – I am still, in the midst of all these greater matters of direst consequence, struck by the consideration that Libya, this Libya, (as of this writing) is still on the UN Human Rights Council.

The UNHRC is not just any old UN human rights quango, the wonderful Brit term for those perpetual motion bureaucratic machines, which in one guise or another, under various palate-crushing acronyms, pullulate in the UN like flies on four-day-old fish left in the sun. This is, make no mistake here, the UN's top Human Rights organization. This is the one with clout. The one with prestige. This is the one, if I may deploy a Dowdism, of "unquestionable moral authority."

So it was that, with reports coming out of Libya of the madman-dictator threatening ruin on his country, vengeance on his enemies, the country about to go up in flames (there are unceasing rumours about firing the oil fields), even an imminent prospect of civil war, I read just two days ago, as all this was going on, that: "Libya's seat on the UN's top human rights body looks secure for now, as a Western-led initiative to condemn it for its violent response to anti-government protests stops short of calling for its expulsion." In the entire universal history of pathetic gestures, is there one to top this?
That as of Friday, the position of Libya on the UN's top human rights body was still secure.

Some states since that moment have awakened from their customary torpor, and indeed called for its expulsion, but after what the world has seen this week, and known for decades, does anyone have the slightest belief that efforts now to haul Libya off the UN Human Rights Council is anything more than the callous waste of time and desperate hypocrisy that putting Libya on the Human Rights Council was to begin with?

Why the tyrant's chamber of Libya was ever, ever on a UN Human Rights council is the real question. A question that speaks to the moral ambiguity, even moral blindness, of the entire United Nations apparatus. The action negated, nullified the very point of such a council. Imagine constituting a Human Rights Council with such members: with Libya, a prison presided over by a decaying dictator, with Cuba, another prison presided over by another decaying dictator, and then pair these two with the grand exemplar of their kind, China – the last great communist despotism.

. . .when all the NGOs of conscience and all their allied associations were so busy mapping the failings of Israel over the decades, where was the equal diligence, the equal industry and passion in mapping the real and massive horrors of a state which actually deserved such attention?

One reason why tyrants have so long a lease in our brave new world is that temporizing, accommodating, trimming organizations like the UN give them, over the years, the bureaucratic sheen that allows them to present themselves as somewhat normal. These moral hell-holes are seen or read to be in public concert with the "better nations" of the world; over time it erases in the eyes of the world the great gulf that should separate evil or cruel states from the better, civilized ones. They earn a slovenly, lazy pass. Come crisis times, as this week, and everybody is suddenly ready with a unanimous cry of "Horror! Horror!"

And so it went with Libya, a kind of diplomatic varnishing via the goodwill of the United Nations. Libya was on this committee or that committee. But most of all, Libya was a giant of human rights' supervision. Why, was not Libya a member in excellent standing of the world's most esteemed arbiter of international morality – the UN Human Rights Council?

Well, it's kind of pathetic now to be hearing the mewling from certain human rights' advocates trying to "alert" the world community to the depth of Gaddafi's depravity, and the extinction of human rights under his regime. Real concern would have manifested itself differently: For example, when all the NGOs of conscience and all their allied associations were so busy mapping the failings of Israel over the decades, where was the equal diligence, the equal industry and passion in mapping the real and massive horrors of a state which actually deserved such attention?

That so many people are now affecting surprise and shock at the turn of events in Libya, and especially over the cruelty and madness of Gaddafi, is wearying. How is either surprise or shock possible, except from the wilful blindness of years past, and the plastic hypocritical games that kept the real truth subdued and out of sight at the world's greatest forum, the United Nations.

Seen as part of an effort to camouflage what it professes to investigate, the UNHRC is a perfect emblem and symbol of the entire organization to which it belongs. The UN does not help the world any longer. As the Libya case manifests, it is an impediment.

This is Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor of CERC. I hope you appreciated this piece. We curate these articles especially for believers like you.

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Rex Murphy. "Willful Blindness." National Post (February 26, 2011).

Reprinted with permission of the National Post.

The Author

Murphysmmurphy Rex Murphy was host of CBC Radio One's Cross-Country Checkup, a nation wide call-in show, for 21 years before stepping down in September 2015. Murphy is a frequent presence on the various branches of the CBC. He has regular commentary segments entitled "Point of View" on The National, the CBC's flagship nightly news program.  See Rex's TV commentaries. In addition, he writes book reviews, commentaries, and a weekly column for the National Post. He is the author of Canada and Other Matters of Opinion and Points of View.

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