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The Believer Generation

Colleen Carroll, a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, is author of The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy. Register correspondent Kathryn Jean Lopez recently talked to her about young Christians and their increasing numbers and orthodoxy.

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Christianity's Transforming Spirit

For democracy and freedom to endure there must be some order and necessity, to use Plato's terms, in the citizens' lives. But such order and necessity are not intrinsic to democracy. As shown by the work of the Founders and Tocqueville, religion can fill this void in a democracy, guaranteeing freedom by forming and guiding it.

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Missionary cohabitating

Young men and women have accepted the message from their culture a message that is not supported by the data that cohabitation is a good way to prepare for marriage. Data from the University of Wisconsin provides a painful bottom line: couples that cohabit before marriage increase their odds of divorce by 50 percent.

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The Multicultural Ploy

How do we prepare our children to hold to their belief in the uniquely divine origin of Christianity the Word becoming Flesh without them being guilty of the dreaded "ethnocentrism" that their teachers may well condemn? Is there any way to view Christianity as "truer" than Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism without becoming a "bigot" in the process? Is it intolerant, an insult to the people of these other religions, to insist that Jesus was the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

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Catholic Teaching Has the Best Way to Stop AIDS

"Condoms don't work," said Dr. George Mulcaire-Jones. "In addition to doing little physically to prevent the transmission of HIV, condoms exacerbate the problem by promoting promiscuity in places where that behavior is most deadly at this point in time."

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Goldhagen v. Pius XII

Daniel Goldhagens recent essay for the New Republic, "What Would Jesus Have Done? Pope Pius XII, the Catholic Church, and the Holocaust" attacks Pacelli as an anti-Semite and the Church as a whole as an institution thoroughly, and perhaps inextricably, permeated by anti-Semitism.

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Uganda Winning the Battle Against AIDS Using Abstinence

Uganda may be on its way to wiping out AIDS by using the Biblical values of chastity and fidelity, a new Harvard University study finds. According to the study, abstinence education has shown significant effectiveness in reducing AIDS in Uganda, with the HIV infection rate dropping 50 percent between the years 1992 and 2000.

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Teddy Roosevelts Passion for Family Life Outranked Every Other

Teddy Roosevelt a big-game hunter who pioneered the National Park system, built the Panama Canal, and won the Nobel Prize for Peace packed "more into one life than any ten men of average metabolism." What many commentators fail to notice about this man of noble passions is that his greatest passion was his family.

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The Population Dud

After years of successful population-control efforts, experts are realizing that their fears were groundless. And as fertility rates continue to drop, well below expected levels, new concerns are emerging.

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