The Mystery of the 'Agatha Christie Indult'
Why did the best-selling author sign the petition to retain the traditional Mass 50 years ago?
Why did the best-selling author sign the petition to retain the traditional Mass 50 years ago?
Many liberal writers have trouble explaining the attraction that young people have for religion, especially in its more traditional forms.
We all know that the poor need food and clothing, decent education and good jobs. But what about their spiritual and cultural needs?
The culture of rushing, either of getting a rush, or of zipping frantically around — perhaps the two are interconnected — means a lot more Martha and a lot less Mary in life.
Renowned for his immense learning, remarkable wisdom, lively conversation, and honest talk, Dr. Johnson illuminates the meaning of the art of conversation.
For two millennia, great artists set the standard for beauty. Now those standards are gone.
The appearance of an art house film on the philosopher Hannah Arendt has sparked renewed interest in an old controversy.