Digital Practice as Liturgy
"Hey you, stop underestimating the power of your bodily routines."
"Hey you, stop underestimating the power of your bodily routines."
A boy with Down Syndrome and leukemia who died at the age of 16 has left an amazing legacy.
"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times."
I recently learned my liver cancer had gotten more aggressive.
When speaking of differences between men and women, we must speak in general terms, because man and woman are more alike than unlike, and though they may strive to reach the true home of the soul by separate ways, yet the home is ultimately the same.
"Goodbye Aeneas. Cherish our love in the son it gave us."
Virgil, The Aeneid
"One could find no other association more necessary nor more pleasant than that of men and women." - Musonius Rufus