There Was a Soldier Sent from God
"John," said the captain, "you're a fine soldier, and a young man of courage and honor. If you join our cause, I guarantee you an officer's commission."
"John," said the captain, "you're a fine soldier, and a young man of courage and honor. If you join our cause, I guarantee you an officer's commission."
The Carter decision to allow assisted suicide and euthanasia claimed that Canada could avoid abuses through careful guidelines and screening. Experience proves otherwise.
"The proper response to an unjust law is conscientious objection," says the head of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, "And this is an unjust law."
Many people do not realize that the hospital as it is known today was an invention of the Middle Ages. They were established from the desire to extend Christian charity to the poor and needy.
Who can hold out against the father of lies, without the grace of God?
Let's talk about one of the most emotionally charged subjects there is — abortion — but in an unemotional way.
Let's start with what it does to the teenage brain.
Here's a simple exercise in basic reasoning. On a spectrum of bad things to do, theft is bad, assault is worse and murder is worst.