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Why make him a saint?

Regarding the decision to advance Pope Pius XII along the path to canonization, one of the worlds leading Vatican analysts put the question very simply: Why?

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Remembering Fulton Sheen

Today is the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was revered by millions of Americans because of his great gifts in preaching and writing about the truths of the Catholic faith and about the great heresies of the twentieth century.

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An Apparition of Reconciliation and Hope

Nearly a decade after Spain's conquest of Mexico, the future of Christianity on the American continent was very much in doubt. Confronted with a hostile colonial government and Native Americans wary of conversion, the newly-appointed bishop-elect of Mexico wrote to tell the King of Spain that, unless there was a miracle, the continent would be lost. Between December 9 and December 12, 1531, that miracle happened, and it forever changed the future of the continent.

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Saint Jeanne Jugan

Born during the virulently anti-Catholic French Revolution, Jeanne Jugan learned early in her life that fidelity to Christ and his Church could be costly.

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On the Road to Limerick

Flying into Dublin, the North American whose business is in the west, retrieves his luggage, checks out his rental car, looks unfazed at the morning traffic, and decides to begin his westward journey. Despite jet lag.

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Of the four greatest minds with whom I commune regularly, to wit, Aristotle, Aquinas, Samuel Johnson, and Chesterton, three were obese.

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