What to do when temptation seems overwhelming?
Spiritual wisdom for Lent and throughout the year from a 16th-century classic beloved by, among others, St. Francis de Sales.
Spiritual wisdom for Lent and throughout the year from a 16th-century classic beloved by, among others, St. Francis de Sales.
A bee is something small, but when it stings, it is a great hurt.
Once after giving a lecture on friendship I was told I was undermining the hearers ability to have relationships with diverse people. Clarity on this issue is crucial.
How we remember the dead is significant in how we live.
Fear no one ... do not be afraid ... be afraid ... do not be afraid (see Mt 10:26-33). Our Lord seems to be giving contradictory commands.
In considering the relative gravity of sins, Aquinas considers pride in itself as graver than murder, since pride, in its proper meaning, is by its very nature a turning away from God.
One of my favorite insights from G.K. Chesterton is, ironically, about the brokenness of Christians.
Alternate pagan practices have infiltrated our holy Catholic Church.
Tomorrow night we will gather together to celebrate the great mystery of love which never ceases to amaze us: God became the Son of Man so that we might become children of God.
Does God require us to forgive those who grievously wrong us, even when they are not sorry? And then completely forget about what they did?