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Mistaken predictions

Prophets proclaim the truth, and they predict the future only in a derivative sense of cautioning about the consequences of denying the truth. 

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Man Is Not an Intruder in Creation

There is a fundamental precept among climate change activists and radical environmentalists that man is an interloper in the natural world. All would be pristine if it weren't for us.

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The challenge of "Laudato Si'"

We were expecting something big from Pope Francis: something controversial, something that carried a heavy political charge.  What he has given us is something bigger. 

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Let There Be Light, Sickly Blue Light

In the beginning, there was a glade. A green and foresty place, a meadowy clearing in the great big woods. The robins called from branch to branch. A laughing stream wove gently through the dell. A rabbit hopped through the long grass, bright with morning dew. All was well, and all manner of things were well until, one day, the evil came.

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Environmental Egocentrism

Perhaps it is just an unhappy irony that one of the most hallowed days on the environmental activists calendar, last months Earth Day, falls so uncomfortably close to the much less covered Malaria Day.

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