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Albania: The First Atheist State

Albania is a small country that prides itself on its fierce national identity and long Christian history. But after the communist takeover 1946 tens of thousands of common people perished for religious reasons.

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The Spirit in Vietnam

As World War II ended, Vietnam began to suffer the same types of persecution and martyrdoms that Communism brought to China and Korea. But at that very moment a spiritual story was unfolding that shows how grace operates even in the most terrible circumstances.

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Fr. Popielusko and Communist Poland

As early as 1966, something unprecedented in Communist-dominated countries had occurred. There was a powerful element of independent civil society in Poland linked directly with the Church.

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Did Pius XII Remain Silent?

On Sunday, April 3, the Washington Post's Parade magazine printed an interview with Pope John Paul II. Tad Szulc, the author, seemed to focus on Catholic-Jewish relations. While praising the popes since John XXIII, he seemed to accuse Pope Pius XII of remaining silent about the holocaust during World War II.

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The Woman and the Physician Facing Abortion

One of the most urgent yet least discussed dilemmas concerning the woman, the physician, and a host of others facing abortion today, is access to the correct basic scientific information regarding the human embryo - scientific information which demonstrates empirically that normally every human being begins at fertilization as a single-cell embryo, the zygote.

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Talking Abortion

Father Frank Pavone, the national director of Priests for Life, explains how best to communicate the pro-life message to others.

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