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Were the Middle Ages Dark?

No period of history is more misunderstood or under-appreciated than the Middle Ages, the ten centuries from the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century to the start of the Renaissance in the fifteenth.

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The Church after Pope Benedict

Since the lava flow of media commentaries about Pope Benedict XVI's resignation began nearly two weeks ago, dozens of people have asked me why the Holy Father "really" resigned, and who the next pope is likely to be.

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'His last Great Act'

The holy city of Jerusalem is even older than Rome, the eternal city.  There is plenty of news here, but it was the news from Rome that hit like a thunderbolt.

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The Liturgical Cliff

Re-centering the ethos of the Mass on the solemn worship of God prompts fears of a "liturgical cliff" beyond which precious few pastors are willing to push.

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