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Abortion and Logic

John Irving is a well-known novelist and short story writer. In his latest book, My Movie Business: A Memoir (Knopf, 1999), he presents his view on abortion and his attitude toward Right-to-Life advocates. This passage is quite remarkable in that it contains well over a dozen logical fallacies within a relatively brief span of words.

When Do Human Beings Begin?

Current discussions on abortion, human embryo research (including cloning, stem cell research, and the formation of mixed-species chimeras), and the use of abortifacients involve specific claims as to when the life of every human being begins.

The Woman and the Physician Facing Abortion

One of the most urgent yet least discussed dilemmas concerning the woman, the physician, and a host of others facing abortion today, is access to the correct basic scientific information regarding the human embryo - scientific information which demonstrates empirically that normally every human being begins at fertilization as a single-cell embryo, the zygote.

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