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October 9, 2019

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

We begin this week with a beautiful reflection from Pope Saint Gregory the Great on when a pastor speaks — that he should "be discreetly silent and to the point."

"The modern, secular, extremist notion ... reduces man to an unnatural intruder in the created world.  We are not.  We are meant to be here.  The world was made for us by God, and we are to exercise a dominion that brings order and greater productivity to the created order by God's grace."  As climate change has another day in the sun, read Monsignor Charles Pope's piece, "Man Is Not an Intruder in Creation."

Then Anthony Esolen discusses "Our 'Sophisticated' Bible Translators," who have smothered and obscured the connections of Biblical passages with dreary, pallid, technical translations — for example, changing "knew his wife" in the KJV to "had intercourse with his wife" in the NAB.  His explanations clearly show just how much meaning has been lost.

Finally, an inspiring piece on "Doctor Ruth Katherina Martha Pfau," the Mother Teresa of Pakistan, who devoted her life to helping leprosy patients.  She was the first Christian ever to receive a full state funeral in Muslim-dominated Pakistan.

God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez

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"The Catholic Church is the only thing which saves a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age." - G.K. Chesterton

New Resources

Let the pastor be discreetly silent, and to the point when he speaks - Pope Saint Gregory the Great - from the The Pastoral Guide.

A spiritual guide should be silent when discretion requires and speak when words are of service.

The model New Evangelization bishop - George Weigel - The Catholic Difference

Out on the Kansas plains, he was just turning 21 when the Second Vatican Council promulgated its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) and its Decree on the Pastoral Office of the Bishops in the Church (Christus Dominus).

The better angels of our nature - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Such boldness must have shocked many diplomats present.

Man Is Not an Intruder in Creation - Msgr. Charles Pope - Community in Mission

There is a fundamental precept among climate change activists and radical environmentalists that man is an interloper in the natural world.

The Personalism of John Henry Newman - John F. Crosby - The Catholic Thing

An astute writer on John Henry Newman has remarked that the soon to be saint, "stands at the threshold of the new age as a Christian Socrates, the pioneer of a new philosophy of the individual Person and Personal Life."

Our "Sophisticated" Bible Translators - Anthony Esolen - The Catholic Thing

"Stupidity," says Jacques Maritain, "is always a vice." So are bad taste and slovenly work.

Doctor Ruth Katherina Martha Pfau - Heather King - Magnificat

She is known today as the Mother Teresa of Pakistan.

The Spoon Elevation in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Emily Linz - Crisis

The ending of Solzhenitsyn's book is hopeful. We are given a glimpse of a "good day" in Ivan Denisovich's life.

Editorials of Interest:

Click Fix - First Things
Has Literature Regained Its Faith? - Church Life Journal

Editorials of Interest

A bid to understand the police raid at the Vatican - Catholic Culture

The Vatican cannot eliminate financial corruption as long as the Secretariat of State holds effective veto power over the Secretariat for the Economy.

Items on the threshold of fall - Catholic Philly

Archbishop Chaput talks papal honors and new books.

What I learned talking with thousands of skeptics on Reddit - CWR

The Reddit audience — mostly young men between the ages of eighteen and thirty — are especially interested in four major themes.

(Revised) Non-ordination of women: Not a dogma? - Catholic Culture

It is true that John Paul II's teaching that women cannot be ordained is not a dogma. But the Church teaches with absolute certainty many things that are not dogmas.

Maria Goretti Network chapters offer safe place for healing after abuse - Crus

The Diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas is starting a Maria Goretti Network chapter at St. Joseph Church in Conway, aimed at accompanying abuse victims on their journey of healing.

Liturgical Beauty from Farnborough Abbey - NLM

The abbot of Farnborough, Dom Cuthbert Brogan, shared with us pictures of some of the splendid liturgical objects made especially for the Mass celebrated for the last French Empress, Eugenie.

Simcha Fisher: Why do you need a crucifix on your wall? - Catholic Weekly

Putting a crucifix on the wall of your home is not primarily for the benefit of any visitors who might see it. It's for yourself.

What Conscience Dreads and Prayer Dares Not Ask - Community in Mission

Prayer is not always about things with which we are comfortable.

Click Fix - First Things

I can only conclude that it is not for the sake of a picture that a picture is taken, but for the sake of the taking. The desire is not for a captured picture but for capture.

FDA: Drug Used to Stop Puberty for Kids With Gender Dysphoria Linked to Thousands of Deaths - The Stream

Since 2004, the drug Lupron has been linked to almost 20,000 "serious" adverse reactions, including over 6,000 deaths.

The False Prophets of Climate Change - Crisis Magazine

Doomsday language promotes panic, and panic leads to moral compromise. When people panic, they feel justified in ignoring facts. That is, unfortunately, the defining characteristic of the environmental movement.

What we're up against: Confronting our Gnostic empire of desire (part 2) - CWR

The Gnostics tell a captivating counterstory to the Christian story of salvation history, and Gnosticism allows one to reject traditional Christianity while still claiming the name.

To impeach Mr. Trump: Context, questions, projections - CWR

In the unlikely event that the president is removed from office, will his removal aid measurably in restoring our political conversation to any level of renewed civility?

Who wants to leave California? Young voters can't afford housing, and conservatives feel alienated - LA Times

Just over half of California's registered voters have considered leaving the state, with soaring housing costs cited as the most common reason for wanting to move, according to a new poll.

Why California Keeps Making Homelessness Worse - Forbes

According to experts, California made homelessness worse by making perfect housing the enemy of good housing, by liberalizing drug laws, and by opposing mandatory treatment for mental illness and drug addiction.

Dating in a Modern Waste Land - Crisis Magazine

While the Sexual Revolution was unfathomably destructive, it can't be blamed for everything. It's not just that Christian singles are sparse: even where they are plentiful, they often have a maddening inability to enter into relationships.

Happy wife, happy life — is it true? - Mercatornet

Mothers' happiness makes nearly twice as much difference to family life.

Has Literature Regained Its Faith? - Church Life Journal

As more and more Catholic artists have become prominent and openly discuss the relationship between their vocation and their spiritual and cultural formation as Catholics, it is becoming more acceptable to be Catholic. We have proven that we can be faithful and also be smart, that we can be Catholic and good at our art.

'Joker' and the Mythology of Madness - Crisis Magazine

Joker is being challenged for fear of its potential influence on unstable viewers in an unstable culture: it features a lonely, mentally ill man in a very real, unfeeling world who descends into homicidal insanity as a means of escape.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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