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June 20, 2018

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

"How could God, who is all love, take pleasure in our degradation?"  Charles Péguy wrote:

All the prostrations in the world
Are not worth the beautiful upright attitude of a free man as he kneels.  All the submission, all the dejection in the world
Are not equal in value to the soaring up point,
The beautiful straight soaring up of one single invocation
From a love that is free.

"The opposite [of degradation] is what [God] wants, this 'kneeling up straight' of which Péguy speaks, this joy, this very pride of the human dignity, this pride of belonging to a sacred world and of being able to reveal and communicate an infinite worth."  See "That Your Joy May Be Complete."

The first run of our own Father John Horgan's new book, His Angels at Our Side, sold out in short order.  A second run was hastily put together by EWTN press.  If you dive into this remarkable book you'll be delighted by the wisdom and charm contained in every chapter.  We reprint Chapter 4, "Interacting with the Angels," below.

Also of note are a series of thoughtful pieces on suicide: Elizabeth Scalia's "Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and the mysteries before us all" (in the US in 2016 there were almost 19,000 homicides compared to 45,000 suicides); Regis Nicoll's "Why Are We So Unhappy?" ("'actualizing' experiences can be sources of temporal satisfaction and enjoyment, but they are not sources of meaning and purpose.  That source is God.); and Fr. George Rutler's "Wiping out the world" (life is sacred: "You have been purchased at a price, so glorify God in your body.")

Ad Dei gloriam. - Meaghen Hale

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"Not everything that can be counted counts; not everything that counts can be counted." - A sign on Albert Einstein's office wall at Princeton

New Resources

That Your Joy May Be Complete - Father Maurice Zundel - Wonder and Poverty

Each day, we must build up our stock of joy, in the form which constitutes the highest and the purest joy, in the form of wonder.

Interacting with the Angels - Father John Horgan - chapter 4 from His Angels at Our Side: Understanding Their Power in Our Souls and the World

If we were to summarize the activities of the angels in the pages of Scripture, we might say that their duties relate to God, to the created and material world, and to man and his place in God's plan of covenant and salvation.

C.S. Lewis and the Art of Disagreement - Michael Ward - The Intercollegiate Review

C.S. Lewis relished disagreement and debate.

Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and the mysteries before us all - Elizabeth Scalia - Word on Fire

Suicide has become the tenth most common cause of death in both the United States and Canada.

Why Are We So Unhappy? - Regis Nicoll - Crisis

The recent spate of suicides by the rich and famous is a symptom of our growing sense of gloom.

The crisis that's ruining our boys - Barbara Kay - National Post

It is difficult to overstate both the positive effects of growing up with a father and the negative effects of father absence, especially for boys.

Wiping out the world - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Our Lord was probably a teenager when the Roman general Publius Quinctilius Varus impaled himself on his own sword in despair for having lost three legions in combat with Germanic tribesmen.

11th Sunday in OT - Father John Horgan - CERC

The parable of the mustard seed.

Editorials of Interest

On Suicide - The Catholic Thing
The Contemporary Attack on Motherhood - Integrated Catholic Life
Why Ritual Is Important - Catholic Answers
Small, Silent, Still - The Catholic Thing

Editorials of Interest:

German bishops express "surprise" over Vatican decision on communion for Protestants - Catholic World Report

Cardinal Kasper admits that in German dioceses "there already is a widespread practice of non-catholic spouses, who consider themselves serious Christians, stepping up to [receive] Communion, without any bishops, who after all know of this practice, thus far voicing concerns."

Bishop: Deny Communion to Border Agents - Catholic Vote

Is enforcing US immigration law a moral evil that demands excommunication? Or would a new proposal politicize the Eucharist, strengthen organized crime, and hurt even more migrant children?

Pub-crawler to Penitent: Ven. Matthew Talbot Is an Inspiration to Alcoholics - NC Register

Matthew Talbot was not wealthy. He was not educated. He was not well known. In fact, he was a drunk. But he's on his way to becoming a saint.

What Happened When 3 Women Faced Deep Suffering Rather Than Abort Their Children - The Federalist

The grace of each woman's decision throws into relief the lurid jubilation in Ireland over the results of the May 25 referendum.

To save Christianity on the Nineveh Plains, it'll take security and jobs - Crux

The great paradox of the Nineveh Plains Reconstruction Project is that it's being led and implemented with missionary zeal by a host of people who have no idea if the fruits of their labor will endure.

Australia: new law requiring priests to break confession seal 'premature and ill-judged' - Catholic Leader

The new law is "seemingly driven by a desire to penalise the Catholic Church without properly considering the ramifications of the decision.

Australian priests 'willing to go to jail' rather than break seal of confessional - Catholic Herald

"When the state tries to intervene on our religious freedom, undermine the essence of what it means to be a Catholic, we will resist."

Ontario's Liberal Government Suffers Massive Electoral Defeat - Crisis Magazine

What happens in Ontario affects much of the rest of the country — but the damage may be done.

Fact-Checking 4 Claims About Detaining Children at the Border - The Stream

The Trump Administration is taking heat for separating parents and children after they illegally crossed the southern border. Here's a look at four of the more questionable claims made about the enforcement action.

Kylie Jenner Accused Of Transphobia For Sharing A Sweet Father's Day Post - The Federalist

Many accused Kylie of being transphobic because she shared a pre-op, throwback photo of her father, formerly known as Bruce Jenner.

Even the most saintly Catholic families have their problems - Catholic Herald

Don't be put off by extraordinary examples of holy families. They had plenty of troubles too.

Faith of Our Fathers: Why a Masculine Example of Holiness Is Vital for Children - NC Register

"The essential role of father [is] spiritual leader, which I would argue is true fatherhood."

From Tolerance to Celebration: How Corporations Impose Sexual Orthodoxy - The Stream

Pro-pride advertising advances the false notion that anyone opposing Human Rights Campaign and its mission is not only narrow-minded but is also cold-hearted and unfeeling. In reality, many moral and legal reasons exist to oppose HRC's agenda, none of which involve bigotry or hatred.

Masterpiece, Marriage, and Bigotry: The Court's Ruling Is More Robust than Many Acknowledge - Public Discourse

State officials and judges cannot comply with the Supreme Court's ruling in Masterpiece simply by articulating facially neutral reasons for decisions that punish people for acting on the understanding that marriage is a man-woman union.

On Suicide - The Catholic Thing

How can suicide be both a sure sign of insanity, and the special object of attention by our most eminent philosophers of liberalism?

Our Mission Against Despair - First Things

It was knowledge of the permanent and eternal — of the first things — that enabled Neuhaus both to live and to die well, neither fearing the end nor rushing to it.

The Contemporary Attack on Motherhood - Integrated Catholic Life

Many radical feminists claim that for woman to become fully alive and free, motherhood should be an optional part of her femininity. This, however, is the antithesis of any authentic pro-woman feminism. The woman is created with a maternal meaning to her body.

Why Ritual Is Important - Catholic Answers

Man is a body-soul composite. It makes sense, therefore, for us to use ritual — formal words and gestures by our bodies — to communicate the value of the things we're celebrating, and how much we appreciate those things.

6 Points To Help You Understand How to Live a Chaste Marriage - Catholic Link

What does a chaste marriage look like?

Small, Silent, Still - The Catholic Thing

We would like its results to be instantaneous and obvious. But grace is planted within us like a seed — small, silent, and slow growing. He calls us to trust and wait.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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