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October 19, 2022
Note from the Managing Editor
In our meditation this week, Pope Benedict XVI tells us "the temptation to interpret religious practice as a source of privileges or security is always lying in wait. Actually, Christ's message goes in exactly the opposite direction."

Mary Cuff writes "Mothers of Men," which speaks to the challenge of raising boys (and girls) "in a world that would usurp our parental roles and bend our children's identities to the point of breaking."

I loved Russell Shaw's "A Tale of Two Crises" because—while he explains the problems facing the Church and says, "Much of the burden of sustaining American Catholicism in the years ahead will inevitably rest on lay shoulders"—he tell us what we'll have to do (and can start doing even now).

A couple weeks ago, we published an interview with Edward Short, whose collection of Catholic poetry, The Saint Mary's Book of Christian Verse, was recently published. This week we print its edifying introduction.

God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez
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  "It's impossible to lose your footing when you're on your knees." - Venerable Fulton Sheen  
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Papal Angelus Sunday, 26 August 2007
Pope Benedict XVI, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Dear Brothers and Sisters, today's liturgy presents to us enlightening yet at the same time disconcerting words of Christ.
Mothers of Men
Mary Cuff, Crisis Magazine
There's a story about the greatest of all heroes, Achilles.
A Tale of Two Crises
Russell Shaw, The Catholic Thing
In comments to a gathering of conservative Catholic college professors recently, I remarked that in modern times American Catholicism has experienced two major crises: the post-Conciliar crisis right after Vatican Council II and the post-post-Conciliar crisis now underway with no end in sight.
Where Are the Catholic Schools in a Synodal Church?
Fr. Peter M.J. Stravinskas, The Catholic Thing
As the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality closed, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops collated the data by region.
Introduction to The Saint Mary's Anthology of Christian Verse
Edward Short, The Saint Mary's Anthology of Christian Verse
Recently, I was amused to see that Philip Larkin—by any chalk a fairly decided critic—in making his selections for The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century Verse (1973) chose to rely rather heavily on the taste and judgement of his well-read friend Monica Jones, which confirms my now well-earned sense that compiling an anthology of poetry is no cakewalk.
Choose to Fight the Battle Against Sin
Fr. Nnamdi Moneme, Catholic Exchange
I was momentarily confused and disoriented in my early years of seminary formation before I received a consoling advice from a priest in the confessional.
Editorials of Interest
Pope Francis Appeals to Putin for an Immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine
NC Register
The Holy Father implores Russian president: End the 'spiral of violence and death.' The Pope said that he has also been praying for the people of Florida and Cuba who are suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.
5 Ways To Renew Your Prayer Life This Fall
Blessed Is She
As we observe the seasons moving from one to another, we welcome the refreshing changes that fall promises. We also sense a desire for change in our hearts, too.
Contemplative Prayer And Receptivity
Spiritual Direction
Contemplative prayer is the pinnacle of the Christian life.
First Principles
Underground Thomist
I have been wondering about self-evident first principles. They can't be proven, because you can't deduce them from other truths. So what makes them true and self-evident?
Strive Always to Grow in Humility
Catholic Exchange
"All we need is pride! All we need is pride!" This jingle playing on radio recently caught my attention.
Jewish-Free Zones at University of Berkeley
The Eponymous Flower
If it wasn't so frightening, one might be able to recognize the irony in the sight of campus progressives trying so hard to signal progressive virtue that they fall victim to a deeper moral shame.
The Errors of Russia from Dostoevsky to Putin
The recent deaths of former Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev and Orthodox Metropolitan Kallistos (Timothy) Ware brought forth eulogies, remembrances, and commentary in both the secular and religious spheres.
Denmark and Greenland confront a traumatic birth control campaign. Was it genocide?
An investigative podcast has revealed that Danish health authorities in the 60s and 70s placed thousands of IUDs in Greenlandic women and girls to diminish population growth.
How To Make a 'Trans Kid'
Reality's Last Stand
Since adults typically make difficult converts, gender activists are increasingly turning their focus to children.
The State Can't Save the American Family
National Review
To strengthen families, conservatives should not empower the state. They should free the church.
Is Jeffrey Dahmer in Heaven?
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
One of the problems with "real crime" programs is that they pander to our curiosity about evil and, in focusing on the monsters of depravity, too often neglect the suffering of their victims.
She was an only child. Now she has 101 great-grandchildren.
Washington Post
Growing up, Marguerite "Peg" Koller's wish was to have a big family. She got it in spades.
A new trend in medicine: doctors who pray with their patients
Dr. Francisco Rosario, who has worked in New York for 22 years, told Aleteia: "The new trend is trying to incorporate the spiritual into medicine."
On Work and Doing Ordinary Actions Well
TAN Direction
"Whatsoever ye do, do it from the heart as to the Lord."
The Joy and Sorrow of Rereading Holt's "How Children Learn"
Psychology Today
Here, summed up, are John Holt's great insights about children's learning.
Video: Msgr. James Shea at Eucharistic Conference
Diocese of Fargo
The Eucharist is part of an epic rescue mission by God to heal us.
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
and St. Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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