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September 21, 2016

Note from the Assistant Editor:

Musicians say an album should be listened to from beginning to end, that the songs are intentionally ordered to create an overall experience.

Our fearless editor Fraser Field surely did the same thing here — but I say, go straight to the piece by Archbishop Charles Chaput.  He gave the Tocqueville Lecture on Religious Liberty at Notre Dame on September 15th and talked politics, sex, family, and the future, which "belong to people who believe in something beyond themselves, and who live and sacrifice accordingly."  That's us.

In A Defense of the Christian Teaching Against Contraception, Sherif Gergis explains, from natural law, why contraception is immoral.  This knowledge is important for our own faith (as St. John Paul II said, "Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth").  It is also important for evangelizing a world that has to start at the basics.

Finally, Fr. George W. Rutler presents the Scandal of the Incarnation — that the Creator of the Universe became man — and its flip side: that he died for each one of us.  That is the value of the human person.  A true scandal in today's world.

God bless. - Meaghen Hale

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"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Sir Winston Churchill

New Resources

The Glory of Martyrdom - Caryll Houselander - from The Risen Christ

Perhaps it is most difficult of all to realize, or to believe, that the risen Christ is hidden in our own lives.

Sex, family and the Liberty of the Church - The Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. - Notre Dame University

Following is the 2016 Tocqueville Lecture given by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. at the University of Notre Dame on September 15, 2016.

A Defense of the Christian Teaching Against Contraception - Sherif Girgis - Public Discourse

The Catholic Church's teaching on contraception, common to all Christian denominations for 1900 years, is not arbitrary. It reflects a moral truth. And the Catholic Church can never revise it. Part one of two.

Religion Versus Politics - David Warren - The Catholic Thing

I am in selective agreement with almost everyone.

How the Church Has Changed the World: Ramon Llull, Missionary to the Muslims - Anthony Esolen - Magnificat

Ramon sat upon the shore, looking southward upon the broad and sunlit sea.

Catholicism's empty quarter - George Weigel - The Catholic Difference

Québec, a flourishing Catholic region for centuries, is now Catholicism's empty quarter in the Western Hemisphere.

Beethoven and the Catholic Church - Michael De Sapio - Crisis Magazine

Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart form the great trinity of Western classical composers.

Scandal - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

A certain kind of journalism thrives on scandals, but they are not what theologians or any kind of deep thinkers mean by a scandal.

Editorials of Interest:

The Problem with Moral Blindness - Truth and Charity Forum
On Praise - The Catholic Thing
A conversation with Fr. George Rutler - Catholic World Report

Editorials of Interest

Pope Francis: behind the scenes in Vatican City photo essay - The Guardian

Photographer Christian Sinibaldi was granted unprecedented access to the corridors of Vatican City. Over several months he gained the trust of those who work there, got to know the city's inner workings, and captured scenes which are rarely seen by outsiders.

Pope Francis on the correct interpretation of Amoris Laetitia - Vatican Insider

The bishops of Buenos Aires have sent their priests a document on integrating remarried divorcees (with admission to the sacraments on a case-by-case basis). Francis has written them a letter praising them for their work.

Francis' Argentine Letter and the Proper Response - First Things

God does not command impossibilities, but by commanding admonishes you to do what you can and to pray for what you cannot, and aids you that you may be able.

So, what if we attach a GoPro to the Compostelan Botafumeiro? - Aleteia

The famous incense burner in Santiago's Cathedral, seen from its own POV.

The factors driving the growth of religious 'nones' in the US - Pew Research

Fully 23% of US adults now describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or "nothing in particular."

Dissent is just fine, but what Tim Kaine offers is hypocrisy - Crux

There is an honesty about open dissent that wins one's respect. Catholics such as Kaine, Pelosi and Biden do not.

Tim Kaine is so clueless about the Bible, he must be Catholic! - Catholic World Report

The Senator and VP candidate thinks "his church" will change its teachings about marriage. He apparently forgot that the Church belongs to Christ, who is her head, bridegroom, and Lord.

Colin Kaepernick's Conscience and Religious Liberty - The Catholic Thing

Fortunately for third-string San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, there is no law — federal, state, or local — that requires you to stand at attention when the national anthem is played at a public event.

I Am Happily Married to God — as a Consecrated Virgin - Cosmopolitan

My decision did not come lightly. I like to tell people, "I did not give up romantic relationships for an idea. I fell in love with a person, Jesus Christ."

Lesbian sues NJ Catholic high school for firing - Crux

A former dean and a guidance counselor at a Catholic high school in New Jersey is suing the school, its president and the Archdiocese of Newark for discrimination after she was fired when school officials learned she's married to another woman.

Christian genocide could succeed through indifference, activists warn - Crux

A genocide that some began by the sword cannot be allowed to succeed through indifference.

Is Dialogue with Islam Possible? Some Reflections on Benedict XVI's Address at the University of Regensburg - Catholic World Report

there is a crucial underlying principle that needs to be enunciated. Christianity and Islam make incompatible truth claims.

Paris judge charges woman in female 'terror commando' probe - Associated Press

The investigation has led to the dismantling of a "terrorist commando of young women" aligned with the Islamic State group.

The problem with killing coma patients for their organs - CNA

The question is whether the human body only has value as an object of use by others.

The Problem with Moral Blindness - Truth and Charity Forum

Private morality can be a puzzling affair. An apparently good man and presumably solid citizen can hold to strange and incompatible views.

On Praise - The Catholic Thing

"The Lord does want men to contribute something, lest everything seem to be the work of grace, and they seem to win their reward without deserving it."

The Devil and Whittaker Chambers - First Things

"Faith in the human mind had supplanted faith in God. I have brought man to the point of intellectual pride," boasted the Devil, "where self-extermination lies within his power."

Christians in Hollywood Part 1: The good, the bad, and the ugly - Aleteia

"We need to make stories that put into the world, in a haunting, nagging, beautiful way, the core of what we believe."

Christians in Hollywood Part 2: The crucial role of parents and the Church - Aleteia

We don't have the grace to thrive in a cave somewhere, we have the grace to thrive in this culture, where we're supposed to be the yeast.

A conversation with Fr. George Rutler - Catholic World Report

"In my experience, there are few things less common than common knowledge."

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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