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June 27, 2018

Note from the Managing Editor:

Sorry, but no introduction to the E-Letter this week.

Bless you all. - J. Fraser Field

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"One of the good things about a Catholic church is that it isn't respectable... You can find anyone in it, from duchesses to whores, from tramps to kings." - Rumer Godden

New Resources

  "You will truly be free" - Pope Benedict XVI - The Yes of Jesus Christ: Exercises in Faith, Hope, and Love

The "yes" of Jesus Christ that I hand on is only really his if it has also become completely mine.

A library reject - Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. - Magnificat

My copy of the 1966 book "The Work of John the Baptist", by Jesuit theologian Cardinal Jean Daniélou, is a library reject.

Humility is Hard — A Meditation on Some Aspects of Humility - Monsignor Charles Pope - Archdiocese of Washington

Pride is our most pervasive and serious sin.

It's Time to Rehabilitate St. Aloysius - Thomas J. Craughwell - Crisis

I first encountered the real Aloysius Gonzaga a few years back when I was doing research in the library of the Maryknoll order of priests in Westchester County, New York.

Bare-Knuckle Religion - Father George W. Rutler - Crisis

The recent pardon of the late world heavy weight champion Jack Johnson by our president was a gracious act long overdue.

Enduring Faith Amid Horror: The Priests of Dachau - Charles Lewis - National Catholic Register

At the Nazi concentration camp Dachau, three barracks out of thirty were occupied by clergy from 1938 to 1945.

Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids - Jordan Peterson - Prager University

You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people.

Discomforted Lukewarmness - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

The recent dedication of our parish's shrine of Our Lady of Aradin for persecuted Christians evoked a powerful response.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist - Father John Horgan - CERC

The importance of St. John the Baptist and how the dates of his and Christ's birth were determined.

Editorials of Interest:

Border Games - City Journal
State Irreligion - First Things
Fertility and Toxicity - First Things

Editorials of Interest

LA archbishop welcomes Trump immigration order - CNA

President Donald Trump signed an executive order which said that detained families will be held together "where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources."

Abuse Allegations Against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Are 'Credible' - NC Register

In the June 20 statement, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, said the alleged abuse happened nearly 50 years ago.

The scandal of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and why no major media outed him - Get Religion

Allegations about the cardinal have been floating about the Internet and in religion-news circles for way more than a decade regarding much heavier stuff than a 47-year-old incident.

Fr. James Martin, Friendship and Dialogue, and the Truth about Human Sexuality - Public Discourse

It is not merely that we "reject the sin, but love the sinner," though we do that; we reject the sin because we love the sinner — radically love him, willing his good for his own sake, affirming the teaching of the Church in all its richness because we recognize that it is liberating and life-affirming.

How to Properly Respond to the Homosexualist Priest - Crisis Magazine

Let's be honest: We do not have a "homosexual priest" problem within the Church. Rather, we have a homosexualist priest problem within the Church.

What it's like to live in the Vatican: The wife of a Swiss Guard tells us - Aleteia

Imagine your daughters roller-skating down their street and greeting Pope Francis like it's the most normal thing in the world.

Border Games - City Journal

The Left's dishonesty about families disguises its real intentions.

Immigrant Children? What About American Children? - The Stream

The American public needs to stop selective outrage.

Immigration, moral authority, and the "order of love" - Catholic World Report

The question of immigration is complicated enough under the best circumstances. But the problem of mass migration, much of it illegal, in a globalized world of radical diversity, is thorny indeed.

Did Kylie Jenner's Father Become Her Mother? - The Stream

No child should have to lose his or her father to gender confusion.

"Diversity" and Discrimination at Harvard - First Things

From this perspective, diversity is not merely a social fact. It is a cultural, economic, and political project intended not just to recognize difference but to generate and manage it.

Personalism: The Philosophy We Need - NY Times

One of the lessons of a life in journalism is that people are always way more complicated than you think.

Psychologists Who Dissent from the Reigning Gender Ideology - Crisis Magazine

Recently, some psychologists and psychiatrists publicly disagreed with the heavy lobbying by activists to normalize Gender Identity Disorder by removing it from the category of "disorder."

State Irreligion - First Things

In the May 1892 issue of Le Banquet, a young Marcel Proust wrote a spirited condemnation, excerpted here, of the secularizing French Left. In terms that are eerily resonant with our own time, Proust underlines the necessity of the Church as a bulwark of popular virtue and a shield for the body politic against malign political forces.

The West is rediscovering the sacred - Catholic Herald

In the global culture war, secularism is suddenly facing a strong challenge: the return of the sacred.

Why Be (or Continue to Be) Catholic? - Crisis Magazine

The only sensible reason is that what the Church teaches is true to its immediate origin in divinity itself.

3 Steps for a greater vision of marriage - Aleteia

"How beautiful, then, the marriage of two Christians, two who are one in hope, one in desire, one in the way of life they follow."

Fertility and Toxicity - First Things

After intentional abortion, lead pollution is quite possibly one of the largest killers of the unborn.

The Abortion Exception to the Practice of Discrimination - Integrated Catholic Life

Persons are created equal in dignity regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, religion, handicap or other reasons — except when it comes to abortion.

4 Ways to Respond to Opioid Addicts Around You (From a Catholic Cop) - Those Catholic Men

Do not let the dark moments define you.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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