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June 8, 2016

Note from the Managing Editor:

From the Sophia Press book page that's dedicated to "Seven Deadly Sins: A Thomistic Guide to Vanquishing Vice and Sin" there's this introduction:

"With the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas as his guide, best-selling author Kevin Vost tackles the deadly sins one-by-one, showing how they take root in our soul and give birth to offspring — other sinful thoughts and deeds that help it reach its sinful goals."

Of that book, Karl Keating had this to say: "This is far and away the best book on the seven deadly sins: clear, logical, compelling. This is the stuff that lives are transformed with."  You'll find an excerpt below.

Scientific American (March/April 2016), has reported something many of us already knew.  Young readers "absorb some lessons better when they are wrapped in magic and imagination."  That's why Fantasy literature, like C. S. Lewis's Narnia novels can be an effective vehicle for character education.  Mark Pike, out of Leeds University in England, has developed "The Narnia Virtues Project" to take advantage of that fact.  See "Narnian Virtues: A Character Curriculum Based on C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia" and the "12 Narnian Virtues" that go along with it.

Several weeks ago, my good friend and CERC board member Dan Doyle told me about a bizarre protest that's been going on at Matteo Ricci College of Seattle University where Dan teaches.  It would be laughable if it weren't so very wrong and so very tragic.  See "Unsettled in Seattle." - J. Fraser Field

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"The extreme greatness of Christianity lies in the fact that it does not seek a supernatural cure for suffering, but a supernatural use of it." - Simone Weil

New Resources

What the Rich Young Man Discovered - Father Tadeusz Dajczer - from The Gift of Faith

God, getting closer to man, weakens him.

How the Mother of the Virtues Dethrones the Queen of the Vices - Kevin Vost - from The Seven Deadly Sins: A Thomistic Guide to Vanquishing Vice and Sin

"This is far and away the best book on the seven deadly sins: clear, logical, compelling. This is the stuff that lives are transformed with." - Karl Keating

Narnian Virtues: A Character Curriculum Based on C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia - Mark Pike - excellence & ethics

The "Narnia Virtues" character education curriculum offers the opportunity to develop good character — through the right door.

12 Narnian Virtues - Mark Pike - excellence & ethics

Unsettled in Seattle - Robert Royal - The Catholic Thing

Matteo Ricci may well have been the most interesting Westerner ever to have entered China.

Fealty - David Warren - The Catholic Thing

"Bands of brothers" have existed, so far as I know, in all times and places.

The contradictions of Muhammad Ali - Father Raymond J. de Souza - National Post

As implausible as it might seem, the laudations lavished upon Muhammad Ali in death are even more extravagant than those he lavished upon himself in life.

What to do and how to do it - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

God will show us what to do and how to do it if we give him thanks for the chance and the challenge.

Editorials of Interest:

The boring Third Secret of Fatima - Catholic World Report
God's Power and Mercy - Catholic Stand
In Solitary Witness - Truth and Charity Forum
Public Displays of Piety - First Things
The Narrow Way - Catholic Lane
The Pursuit of Purpose - Ignitum Today
British Christianity Death Watch - American Conservative
Walker Percy at 100 - Catholic World Report

Editorials of Interest

Pope Francis: Biting your tongue helps you to be a saint - Epic Pew

The process of conversion requires small concrete steps.

The boring Third Secret of Fatima - Catholic World Report

The message of Fatima is about truth and salvation, about repentance and mercy, God's plan for the human race and the glory of the Church.

God's Power and Mercy - Catholic Stand

Christ does not fear drawing close to sinful humanity, and we need not fear drawing close to Him.

In Solitary Witness - Truth and Charity Forum

Jägerstätter died convinced that his manner of death would pass unnoticed by the world and would completely fade from human memory with the passing of the handful of people who had known him personally.

Public Displays of Piety - First Things

It is often easy — too easy — to resign ourselves to cultural collapse. But the world has more faith in us than that.

The Narrow Way - Catholic Lane

It is, ironically, by binding oneself to a certain way of life that one is loosed to make that way of life his or her own, to build it into something truly awe inspiring.

The Pursuit of Purpose - Ignitum Today

In the end, glorifying God and serving people are the only two things I have found that carry with them an abiding sense of meaning.

British Christianity Death Watch - American Conservative

If a silent majority of private, non-churchgoing believers really did exist, it has undergone a precipitous decline. Five years ago, the number of people professing no religion was only 25 per cent. Now it is 48.

Suicide: The Next Civil Rights Frontier - The Federalist

Only someone tone-deaf to what is going on in culture will fail to understand how we are only a few logical steps away from suicide being an act of personal expression.

The case for banning pornography - Washington Post

Pornography's enjoyments may be private, but its harms are inescapably public.

Born into a romance: building a civilization of love, the vocation of the family - Catholic Stand

We are born into family life. It is not just an institution by which we are prepared for relationships, and encounter with the world — it is the foundation for a civilization of love.

Restless Hearts: Satisfied by Eros and Agape - Truth and Charity Forum

The ultimate union of eros and agape is seen in the Eucharist, which is the gift of Christ's own Body and Blood to mankind.

The Paradox of Choice - TED

The official dogma of all Western industrial societies runs like this: if we are interested in maximizing the welfare of our citizens, the way to do that is to maximize individual freedom. And the way to maximize freedom is to maximize choice.

Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person - NY Times

We must not abandon our imperfect partners, only the idea that a perfect being exists who can meet all our needs and satisfy our every yearning.

Your Ideal Woman on Paper: The Power of the List - Maccabee Society

Create your ideal spouse list and study it. But most important of all, become the mate who is worthy of the person on your list.

Jeannie Gaffigan on How to Be Catholic, Funny and Evangelize Effectively - NC Register

Jeannie Gaffigan is co-creator and executive producer of The Jim Gaffigan Show, which is named after and stars her husband. The second season premieres on Father's Day, June 19 at 10pm.

Nicole Cliffe: How God Messed Up My Happy Atheist Life - Christianity Today

I had no untapped, unanswered yearnings. All was well in the state of Denmark. And then it wasn't.

Art for God's sake: an interview with artist Daniel Mitsui - The Catholic Gentleman

When making religious art, I draw what I believe and I believe what I draw; I do not appropriate religious imagery for any ironic purpose.

Walker Percy at 100 - Catholic World Report

When you look at Walker Percy's life, it's hard not to see his interest in the question of the self as having some connection to the tragic experiences that shaped his early years.

You Before Me Is Better than Me Before You - Stephanie Gray

Will was obsessed with control, and argued he needed to end his life because it was the one thing he could control. But he could control more than death — he could control his perspective.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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