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January 3, 2018

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

New years are new beginnings.  The call to conversion, ever present in the life of a Catholic, is especially clear now.  "Let us change our life," says Saint Caesarius in this week's reflection, and prepare ourselves for "the substance of that future life by our use of this present one."  See "Graces of Epiphany."

"Lust and the Tyranny of Niceness" is a must-read.  "Speaking the truth can cause people to feel uncomfortable.  It is not nice to make people feel uncomfortable.  But speaking the truth is probably the most loving thing you can do."

After the spate of Hollywood scandals, the story of Gary Cooper offers hope of redemption.  Though his fame brought temptation and "he had numerous extramarital affairs," he and his wife Veronica, a Catholic, reunited.  Four years later Gary Cooper entered the Church.

Robert Royal offers some perspective on the recent conversation about the translation of "lead us not into temptation."  This phrase in the Our Father "needs serious thought to try grasping those mysterious words of Jesus Himself.  In fact, the very oddity may be an invitation for us to look further than we might otherwise." See "In Other Words."

"Cheap Sex and the Decline of Marriage" explains a phenomena of the sexual revolution: that women "are hoping to find good men without supporting the sexual norms that would actually make men better."  If love is built on self-sacrifice, sexual promiscuity does not prepare us for it.  What does?  Exercising "discernment, prudence, self-control."  Waiting.

As the new year begins let us have the courage to change, to speak the truth, and to wait in hope. - Meaghen Hale

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"Chivalry is not an obvious idea. It is not as plain as a pike-staff or as a palm-tree. It is a delicate balance between the sexes, which gives the rarest kind of pleasure to those who can strike it." - G.K. Chesterton

New Resources

Graces of Epiphany - Saint Caesarius of Arles - Saint Caesarius of Arles Sermons, Vol. 3

The blessed embassy wonders that it has been led to the holy cradle by a ray of light streaming from above; the farthest nation is the first to enjoy the common good.

Lust and the Tyranny of Niceness - Deacon Douglas McManaman - homily preached for the First Sunday of Advent

Last week I decided to ask my students a question at the beginning of class.

A Universe in a Grain - Anthony Esolen - Magnificat

Bishop Eadfrith (✝ 721) is considered to be the artist who gave to the world perhaps the most remarkable work of book-art ever executed, the Lindisfarne Gospels.

Gary Cooper - John Janaro - Magnificat

Gary Cooper was one of the greatest and most widely known movie stars of the golden age of Hollywood.

In Other Words - Robert Royal - The Catholic Thing

When it comes to translation, prayers can be especially tricky.

Beyoncé Studies - Theodore Dalrymple - The Salisbury Review

The musicology department of Copenhagen University is to offer a course on the music of Bayoncé. It would be fun, it said.

Why this unbeliever is happy to celebrate Christmas - Robert Fulford - National Post

Every Christmas I find myself grateful to live in a Christian-dominant community within a civilization that has been constructed by Christianity.

Cheap Sex and the Decline of Marriage - Mark Regnerus - Wall Street Journal

Why is marriage in retreat among young Americans?

Christmas is about two caves - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Saint Paul was converted by the risen Christ, who appeared as a blinding light.

Editorials of Interest:

Jerusalem and Peace - Convivium
Catholicism is impossible - Ignitum Today
Make America Christian Again - The Catholic Thing
It's about the Art, for Art's Sake - Catholic World Report

Editorials of Interest

On New Year's Eve, Pope Francis delivers his 'silent majority' speech - Crux

Francis appeared to set up the silent majority in Rome as an alternative to politics of all sorts — meaning people, the pope said, who serve their communities not through noisy words but quiet deeds.

Jerusalem and Peace - Convivium

Father Raymond J. de Souza reflects on the significance of President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Does the Seal of Confession Help Criminals? - NC Register

Even when our intentions are good, it is never acceptable to use immoral means to achieve our goals.

Catholicism is impossible - Ignitum Today

We must strive for perfection, not in the hopes that our striving will accomplish it, but so that our striving and failing may reveal our weakness and frailty to ourselves. Then His power will be made perfect in our weakness.

Make America Christian Again - The Catholic Thing

People who believe take for granted things people who don't have to think about — with all the mistakes that follow when one must re-invent morality from scratch.

Thomas Aquinas College Survives Harrowing Thomas Fire - NC Register

Thomas Aquinas College narrowly escaped the worst of the Southern California fire that took its name, but still suffered extensive damage.

Washington Post to Christians on Christmas Morning: Jesus Didn't Exist - The Stream

The Post didn't bother to fact check this old story. Instead it chose to re-publicize it on Christmas day. Why? Perhaps the Post is eager to promote anti-Christianity.

Answering a Classic Birth Control Argument - Catholic Answers

Contraception is wrong precisely because it treats children as a kind of hostile invader into the marital act and not the natural fulfillment of it that should be cherished. This does not mean every sexual act must result in conception.

Power and Sex: Why Our Culture Needs the Church's Teachings on Sexuality - NC Register

In the old order, women leveraged what social researchers describe as a "cartel" of chastity to discourage and punish sexual misconduct. In contrast, the new code of sexual behavior facilitated by contraception and legal abortion has penalized the chaste and rewarded the promiscuous.

The story behind sex change surgery you haven't heard - Catholic World Report

"There's nothing reversible about genital surgery — it's a permanent, irreversible mutilation of the human person. And there's no other word for it."

Truth for a Transitioning Time: Andrew Walker's God and the Transgender Debate - Public Discourse

The other side needs both truth and grace, something more than counseling, more than medication, more than any human can provide. They need wisdom; they especially need the Lord.

Hope with Realism: Confiding in God and Overcoming Addiction - Catholic Stand

Some would say we must give up on these souls, but it is when the door becomes cracked even just a tad that light may enter.

It's about the Art, for Art's Sake - Catholic World Report

It seems to me that certain advocates and critics can help the conversation if they focused less on their opponents and more on the arguments.

There is Help Out There for Catholic Nursing Mothers - NC Register

The Catholic Nursing Mothers League (CNML) seeks to encourage and support nursing mothers emotionally and spiritually and educate parishes about the beauty and importance of breastfeeding.

A Short New Year's Reflection and Resolution: Be Not Afraid - Catholic Stand

Trust the Lord. He will do for you what you are not yet able to do for yourself: Be not afraid.

Is Pope struggling with limits of rhetoric on anti-Christian violence? - Crux

While anti-Christian persecution around the world never takes a break, it's well known there are certain periods of special risk each year, above all the Christmas season.

The tragedy and scandal of Cardinal Law - First Things

Why do good people do bad things?

How the Irish monks of the 'Star Wars island' saved England - Catholic Herald

The monks of Skellig Michael kept Christianity alive during years of darkness.

"I think Aquinas might have enjoyed bluegrass": An interview with The Hillbilly Thomists - Aleteia

These talented friars of the Order of Preachers have reached Billboard's Top 10 bluegrass albums chart.

The real reason Catholics can't be Freemasons - Catholic Herald

The principles of Freemasonry are fundamentally incompatible with Catholic teaching

An Encomium For Actual Icons - Convivium

Only icons are iconic, Father Raymond J. de Souza cautions.

St. Justin Martyr and
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, pray for us

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Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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