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November 22, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so grateful for all of you, our faithful readers.

Please give your attention to Dr. Deborah Savage's The Genius of Woman (we previously reprinted her excellent piece The Genius of Man.)

"With the creation of woman, human community appears for the first time—and for the first time enters into human history. And it is suddenly clear that while it is true that without man, woman has no place, it is equally true that without woman, man has no future."

God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor

Image: 'Family Meal' by Jan Steen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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  "Do not forget that true love sets no conditions; it does not calculate or complain but simply loves." - Pope John Paul II  
New Resources
Resolutely Determined to Keep Going
St. Theodora Guerin, Journals and Letters
The other day I was reading in Saint Francis de Sales that a person of a melancholy turn of mind, of a cold and disagreeable disposition, might love God as much as another...
The Genius of Woman
Deborah Savage, Ph.D., What We Need Now
It is said that every era inevitably finds itself face to face with a particular question, a burning issue that belongs to it—and to it alone.
Forming Future Followers
Randall Smith, The Catholic Thing
Nearly every college and university in the country advertises itself as educating future "leaders." I am not as impressed as perhaps I should be.
Sisters of Life Give Hands and Hearts to a Quiet Revolution of Love
Charles Lewis, National Catholic Register
The Gospel witness of the Sisters of Life reminds us that, amid all the talk of what's wrong with the Church, there is an eternal goodness that will last forever.
Marriage Mirrors God's Love for Human Nature
Fulton J. Sheen, Catholic Exchange
In the supernatural order, the Church, after the manner of our blessed Lord, takes hold of this permanent character of love in the order of nature and elevates the promise "I do" to the dignity of a sacrament.
To Be Realistic about Friendships
John Cuddeback, LifeCraft
Once after giving a lecture on friendship I was told I was undermining the hearers ability to have relationships with diverse people. Clarity on this issue is crucial.
Editorials of Interest
Tammy Peterson's Conversion Story: Finding God Amid the Ordeal of Illness
NC Register
The wife of celebrated psychologist Jordan Peterson, soon to be received into the Catholic Church, discusses the life-changing experience that led to her conversion.
Catholics Against Anti-Semitism
First Things
We must forge, and render visible, a new alliance between Jews and Catholics, the like of which has not existed before.
Advent Prep Made Easy
Theology of Home
It happens every year. Advent creeps up on me and I find myself digging out the candles a week late (sometimes two). But this year, I'm on it.
We Have Many Disguises, But God Made Us to See Him Face to Face
NC Register
"In prayer, we see all things in the light of Christ; we let our masks fall and immerse ourselves in the truth and in listening to God, feeding the fire of love." - Pope Benedict XVI
Two Carmelite nuns in Spain seek to recover the hermitical origin of their order
Mother Ana and Sister Raquel form a small Carmelite community that is currently looking for a place to fully live their vocation closer to the hermitical origins of the order on Mount Carmel.
Indi Gregory: Third Infant to Die at Hands of UK Government
The Spectator
She was denied the right to fight for life.
The Long History of Arab/Israeli Conflict
The Catholic Thing
The events of the last few weeks have roots that extend far into the past.
Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? Look at TikTok.
The Free Press
The app is digital fentanyl made by China. And it is brainwashing our youth against the country and our allies, argues Rep. Mike Gallagher.
Can Pessimists Have Hope?
Catholic Answers
Optimist or pessimist, every Christian can (must!) still take advantage of the virtue of hope.
Classical Education Is Not A Right-Wing Project
First Things
Classical education (a variation on traditional liberal arts education) is something that progressives can and should support.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Theology of Home
If we are ever tempted to think marriage is second best to greater vocations, that we are 'just a mom' or 'just a dad,' then we can remember marriage makes saints, and great ones.
The Education of a Mother
Catholic Exchange
The story of how the liberal arts influenced the lives of a handful of women, and how it continues to influence how their vocations play out.
7 beautiful ways to help young children deeply love the faith
"Modeling and exposure" are good ways to introduce children to the Catholic faith and its traditions.
'Secret room' decorated by Michelangelo to open to the public in Italy
It is believed that the artist hid in the claustrophobic space for several weeks in 1530 when Pope Clement VII—a member of the Medici family, who had recently returned to power in Florence, having been kicked out by a republican government for whom Michelangelo had worked—ordered his death.
2023 'Buy Catholic' Christmas Gift Guide
NC Register
Ideas for men, women, children, teachers, and friends.
VIDEO: The Saint of Auschwitz
Camino Lindo
Priest. Prisoner. Saint. This short film is based on the true story of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic priest who sacrificed his life to save a Polish political prisoner at the concentration camp in Auschwitz.
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
and St. Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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