Serving Catholics for 25 Years
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so grateful for all of you, our faithful readers.
Please give your attention to Dr. Deborah Savage's The Genius of Woman (we previously reprinted her excellent piece The Genius of Man.)
"With the creation of woman, human community appears for the first time—and for the first time enters into human history. And it is suddenly clear that while it is true that without man, woman has no place, it is equally true that without woman, man has no future."
God bless you all this week! - Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor
Image: 'Family Meal' by Jan Steen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
"Do not forget that true love sets no conditions; it does not calculate or complain but simply loves." - Pope John Paul II
Resolutely Determined to Keep Going |
St. Theodora Guerin, Journals and Letters |
The other day I was reading in Saint Francis de Sales that a person of a melancholy turn of mind, of a cold and disagreeable disposition, might love God as much as another... |
The Genius of Woman |
Deborah Savage, Ph.D., What We Need Now |
It is said that every era inevitably finds itself face to face with a particular question, a burning issue that belongs to it—and to it alone. |
Forming Future Followers |
Randall Smith, The Catholic Thing |
Nearly every college and university in the country advertises itself as educating future "leaders." I am not as impressed as perhaps I should be. |
Marriage Mirrors God's Love for Human Nature |
Fulton J. Sheen, Catholic Exchange |
In the supernatural order, the Church, after the manner of our blessed Lord, takes hold of this permanent character of love in the order of nature and elevates the promise "I do" to the dignity of a sacrament. |
To Be Realistic about Friendships |
John Cuddeback, LifeCraft |
Once after giving a lecture on friendship I was told I was undermining the hearers ability to have relationships with diverse people. Clarity on this issue is crucial. |
Catholics Against Anti-Semitism |
First Things |
We must forge, and render visible, a new alliance between Jews and Catholics, the like of which has not existed before. |
Advent Prep Made Easy |
Theology of Home |
It happens every year. Advent creeps up on me and I find myself digging out the candles a week late (sometimes two). But this year, I'm on it. |
Can Pessimists Have Hope? |
Catholic Answers |
Optimist or pessimist, every Christian can (must!) still take advantage of the virtue of hope. |
St. Elizabeth of Hungary |
Theology of Home |
If we are ever tempted to think marriage is second best to greater vocations, that we are 'just a mom' or 'just a dad,' then we can remember marriage makes saints, and great ones. |
The Education of a Mother |
Catholic Exchange |
The story of how the liberal arts influenced the lives of a handful of women, and how it continues to influence how their vocations play out. |
'Secret room' decorated by Michelangelo to open to the public in Italy |
It is believed that the artist hid in the claustrophobic space for several weeks in 1530 when Pope Clement VII—a member of the Medici family, who had recently returned to power in Florence, having been kicked out by a republican government for whom Michelangelo had worked—ordered his death. |
VIDEO: The Saint of Auschwitz |
Camino Lindo |
Priest. Prisoner. Saint. This short film is based on the true story of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic priest who sacrificed his life to save a Polish political prisoner at the concentration camp in Auschwitz. |