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November 14, 2018

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

We begin this week with a beautiful reflection from Hans Urs von Balthasar, "To Set the Earth on Fire."

Austin Ruse writes a review of The Last Homily: Conversations with Father Arne Panula.  I imagine it is a treasure trove of saintly wisdom, as evinced by this tidbit: "Father Arne offered the simplest kind of spiritual direction.  Morning offering on your knees.  Morning prayer, talking to God as father.  The same in the afternoon.  Pray to your guardian angel.  Daily mass if you can.  End the day with three Aves for purity, and an examination of conscience."

We reprint an excerpt from the introduction to The Smoke of Satan.  "Mary is a model of the Church: always faithful, the spotless Bride of Christ.  But Peter and the apostles are also a model of the Church: the hierarchical institution, founded by Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, yet confided into the care of fallen men.  For Catholics it is always a challenge to keep these two models of the Church in proper perspective."

If you have been following the story of Asia Bibi, this is shocking: "A poll revealed some 10 million Pakistanis would be willing to murder Asia Bibi, a Christian, either for her 'blasphemy' or for offered payment."  Fr. Raymond de Souza argues "Canada can and should save this woman's life."

On November 11, Fr. George Rutler remembered the Armistice of 11 November 1918, which ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I.  A staggering point — "One year after the war, there was only one man between the ages of 18 and 30 for every 15 women."

Let us thank God for His many blessings.  - Meaghen Hale

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"Music is a wonderful example of something that's in this world but not of this world. Great works of music speak to us from another realm even though they speak to us in ordinary physical sounds." - Roger Scruton

New Resources

To Set the Earth on Fire - Hans Urs von Balthasar - from Heart of the World

Take care: he invites you to lose your soul in order to gain it back.

The Final Conversations of a Dying Priest - Austin Ruse - Crisis Magazine

Father Arne Panula died quite publicly and for a very long time.

Introduction - Phil Lawler - from The Smoke of Satan

How did our bishops lose the confidence of the faithful, and how can the profound damage to the Church be repaired.

Canada can and should save this woman's life - Father Raymond J. de Souza - National Post

A poll revealed some 10 million Pakistanis would be willing to murder Asia Bibi, a Christian, either for her 'blasphemy' or for offered payment.

After Morality - Randall B. Smith - The Catholic Thing

When I use the language of "morals," my students are self-proclaimed relativists.

Dave Brubeck - John Janaro - Magnificat

Dave Brubeck (1920-2012), as a great American musician and composer, is known throughout the world.

  The legacy of Friedrich Nietzsche - Roger Kimball - The New Criterion

On the world Nietzsche predicted and precipitated.

Remembering - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Pier 54 on the Hudson River is a short walk from our church.

Editorials of Interest:

McCarrick's Seminarians - Studio Matters
Clashing Victimocracies - First Things
Bringing Sex Back - First Things
Recovering the Beauty of Sex - The Harvard Crimson

Editorials of Interest

Innovative new lighting for Michelangelo's Pietà - Catholic Herald

A complex lighting system helps us greater appreciate the sculpture in St Peter's Basilica.

Before and After: Adoration Chapel at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Greenville, SC - LAJ

The first thing you'll note is the altar which, while being quite humble in its design, has better proportions for this space.

McCarrick's Seminarians - Studio Matters

Ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick interests me less than the seminarians who kept mum for so many years.

Roots of Catholic anger - CWR

The "narrative" of an ongoing, widespread, and unaddressed rape culture in the Catholic Church in the United States is false.

Christ the Stronger Man - CWR

The Son of God is our Champion in the battle against our true enemy.

The enduring attraction of the End Times - CWR

The best advice has always been Jesus': "Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord is to come."

What are Gregorian Masses for the dead? - Aleteia

The tradition consists of celebrating 30 consecutive Masses for the intention of a freeing a particular soul from purgatory.

Why Doesn't God Give Everyone Faith? - Dominicana

God likes to work through mediators.

2018 Midterms Reflect a Nation Divided - NC Register

With both parties already profoundly opposed to each other, the levels of uncivility increasing and all eyes now on 2020, there will be little incentive to cooperate or search for common ground.

Final HHS rule confirms religious exemption to contraceptive mandate - Catholic Herald

The lawyer representing the Little Sisters of the Poor said the decision 'should be welcomed by people of good faith' on all sides of the issue

Vatican cancels US bishops' vote on sex abuse reform measures - NC Register

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. bishops' conference has told the American bishops that they will not vote on two key proposals which had been expected to form the basis for the Church's response to the sexual abuse crisis.

Clashing Victimocracies - First Things

The victimocracy is a new substitute for the sacred.

On Hate and Racism - TCT

Perhaps everything is racist: starting and ending with the people you disagree with (on any subject at all).

Are the wheels falling off the transgender juggernaut? - Mercatornet

In a surprising move, The Economist expresses grave reservations.

Bringing Sex Back - First Things

Precisely the opposite of "assigning" sex via "bureaucratic fiat," recognizing and recording human sex through observation of the body is the most objective and neutral way for the law to accurately see its subjects.

Coitus, But Not Other Kinds of Sexual Activity, Promotes Health - Public Discourse

The empirical evidence suggests that coitus is associated with significant psychological and physical benefits and that noncoital sexual activity is associated with significant psychological and physical harms.

Recovering the Beauty of Sex - The Harvard Crimson

When we lower our standards of acceptable sexual behavior to merely what is legal, we should not be surprised to see our personal standards of sexual morality drop and unbridled license expand to fill the void.

The Inseparable Unitive and Procreative Purposes of Marriage and Appropriate NFP Use - HPR

The truth is, the two purposes of unity and procreation are mutually supportive and belong together.

What is an annulment, really? - Aleteia

It takes more than words to make a real sacramental marriage.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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