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November 8, 2023
There is something for everyone in our reprints this week. Each time I attempt to highlight the worthiest pieces, I end up with too long a list for this short note.

So I will simply encourage you to peruse the titles below. Whether you're carrying a heavy burden, want a breakdown of Islam vs. Christianity, are intrigued by a defense of stay-at-home motherhood, desire clarity on papal infallibiltiy, or simply want to revel in a good murder mystery ... there is something for you below.

Happy reading. May God bless you all this week!

Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor

Image: St. Martin of Tours and St. Nicholas of Bari, Art Gallery of South Australia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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  "We must observe great purity in our will, in our intentions, in all our actions. To possess purity of life—in this, all consists." - St. Peter Julian Eymard  
New Resources
"What must I do to inherit eternal life?"
Saint John Henry Newman, The Tears of Christ: Meditations for Lent
Faith at most makes us a hero. Love makes a saint.
The Only Way to Carry a Heavy Burden
Amy K. Hall, The Stream
I don't need to tell you that life is hard. The older you are, the better you know this.
Islam and Christian Realism
Francis X. Maier, The Catholic Thing
Most Westerners were shocked by the savagery of Hamas's recent attacks on Israel and the systematic murder of Israeli citizens by Hamas terrorists.
The Job for Which All Others Exist
Ivana Greco, Hearth & Field
Let's Bring Back the Term "Homemaker."
Papal Power and the Obedience of the Faithful
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, The Public Discourse
While a book like John Rist's is diminished by its flaws, it's not entirely unfair about our current moment.
On Christian Accompaniment
Robert W. Shaffern, The Catholic Thing
During July, which will probably forever now bear the name of the first of the Deadly Sins (Pride), numerous figures both inside and outside the Church encouraged us to accompany, walk with, and stand by folks who identify somewhere along the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
The Catholic Side of Henry James and Hemingway
Russell Shaw, The Catholic Thing
I recently read two hugely different novels in quick succession—The Wings of the Dove by Henry James and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway.
The Consolation of a Good Murder Mystery
Katie Marquette, Born of Wonder
Personal trials and the chaos of summer have me buried in Agatha Christie yet again, seeking the distinct assurance that only a good murder mystery can provide. But what is it about a good who-done-it that calms our existential despair?
The Beauty of the Inefficient
Mary Catherine Adams, Theology of Home
My husband and I recently got deep into ancient nutrition: bone broth, soaked grains, organ meats. Each new method to food prep feels like an initiation.
Good in Disasters and Mishaps?
John Cuddeback, LifeCraft
"Everything that happens in corporal creatures redounds to the usefulness of man." - Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Job
Editorials of Interest
Symptoms of the Synod 2023 III: 25 October 2023
The Catholic Thing
Symptoms of the Synod has been searching for the signification of synodality. What does it mean? It apparently means everything, as it includes a child's bedtime prayers and the establishment of a new archdiocese. At what point does it, embracing everything, lose all meaning?
Meet the Aussie Laywoman Pushing for Motherhood—Not Female Priesthood—at the Synod on Synodality
NC Register
Both a philosopher with a focus on womanhood and a mother of five, Renee Köhler-Ryan has emerged as a compelling synodal voice for the Church's understanding of women, grounded in both her experience and her expertise.
The fatherhood and authority of a bishop: An interview with Bishop Joseph Strickland
The "bishop is an alter Christus looking to Christ, the head of the Church and the faithful, and thus, we are all—as faithful and bishop, flock and shepherd—we are all looking to Christ for leadership."
A Beautiful Glimpse Into the Life of Pope Benedict
NC Register
BOOK PICK: Archbishop Gänswein's new book is both a biography of Joseph Ratzinger and partial autobiography of the papal secretary, highlighting friendship centered in Christ.
Theology of the Body Parent School equips parents to teach truth about human sexuality
A new curriculum is helping Catholic parents rediscover their role as the primary educators of their children.
'Woke' ideology is a murderous one
Washington Examiner
We need to understand that when the mask slips, "woke" ideology is a murderous one.
No to Killing for Organs
Discovery Institute
The shortage of organs for transplantation is threatening to unleash immoral and unethical remedies.
Nip it in the "Catholic but..."
No matter how it's executed, "Catholic but" is always what it is: a pivot away from truth.
Our Rapidly Disappearing Absolute Moral Rules
The Catholic Thing
One of the great distinguishing marks of Catholic moral doctrine is that there are certain absolute or exceptionless rules of morality.
'Preferred Pronouns,' 'Misgendering' and Religious Freedom
NC Register
Those who believe it is wrong to deny the biological sex that God has assigned a human being should brace themselves for the legal battles that lie ahead.
Infertility gets a new, expanded definition to address 'the reality of all' seeking care, medical group says
The new definition, issued last week by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Practice Committee, has been expanded to include anyone needing medical interventions "in order to achieve a successful pregnancy either as an individual or with a partner."
On the 'Necessary Murder'
The Catholic Thing
In 1937, the British poet W.H. Auden wrote a tribute to the Left that was then in the middle of the Spanish Civil War.
Solving the Unseen Crisis in Catholic Schools: 9 Steps to Free Students from Progressive Harms
Catholic School Playbook
Until recently, most Catholic schools have been nearly indistinguishable from government schools.
Thoughts on Home Schooling: The Arts
Theology of Home
Art must be a part of the very fabric of your home.
Making Room for Mercy in Friendships
Radiant Magazine
As Catholic Christians, we are familiar with the Lord's command to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. While it might not be easy, we can easily understand the call to imitate Christ's sacrificial love. But what about our experience in friendships?
How Our Yard Can Make Us Human Again
"Whoever said that agriculture is the mother and nurse of all arts was right, because when agriculture is faring well, all the other arts are strengthened too."
St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
and St. Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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