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September 20, 2017

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

This week, we begin with a reflection that points out a truth about power: "Hatred for Jesus is necessary for every power that does not consciously draw its origin from the Father"  See "They Begged Jesus to Leave."

Our featured article is from a lecture Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks gave at the Chautauqua Institution in New York on July 20.  "Most of the time, we were able to have our feet in society and our head in religion.  But today the two cars are diverging.  That is what I call cultural climate change: the walking in opposite ways of religion and society.  How does this affect us in the contemporary world?" Read on for the answer.

A second article of note is "When the Splendor of Truth Is Hidden, the Joy of Love Is Dead," about certain interpretations of Amoris Laetitia which are incompatible with Catholic moral tradition.  Fr. Raymond de Souza explains that accompaniment, a watchword of Pope Francis' papacy, means neither affirmation of sin nor dispensation from the law and that "Christian morality is not about following the rules as a matter of mere obedience, but of a loving encounter with Christ."

"That's what all of Christ's moral teachings are about," says Edward Sri, continuing the thought in "Moral Law Equals Authentic Love."  "The moral law is an expression of God's love: he loves us so much he gives us the law to show us how to live in a way that will lead to our happiness."

Let us strive for happiness this week! - Meaghen Hale

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"Honesty and clarity are always good things. Confusion and ambiguity are never of God." - Archbishop Charles Chaput

New Resources

They Begged Jesus to Leave - Monsignor Luigi Giussani - Generating Traces in the History of the World: New Traces of the Christian Experience

If Christ is a present event, we meet him every day.

Cultural Climate Change - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks - Standpoint Magazine

There is an old Chinese curse which goes, "May you live in interesting times."

When the Splendor of Truth Is Hidden, the Joy of Love Is Dead - Father Raymond J. de Souza - National Catholic Register

A deeper examination of Pope St. John Paul II's Veritatis Splendor will illustrate how some interpretations of "Amoris Laetitia" are incompatible with the Catholic Church's moral tradition.

Moral Law Equals Authentic Love - Edward Sri - The National Catholic Register

"So when is the Catholic Church finally going to update all its teachings on sexuality?"

Where is the Religious Instruction? - Anthony Esolen - The Catholic Thing

"When Beowulf goes to slay the dragon that has been ravaging the countryside," I said to my college freshmen the other day, "all of his thanes swear they will stand by him in the battle."

Back to Nature - David Warren - The Catholic Thing

After the winds, the rains, the floods, come the looters.

Saint Nicholas Owen - Magnificat - Magnificat

Nicholas was born in Oxford of a family of recusants, English Catholics who refused to accept the Church of England.

A New Kind of Catholic School - Charles Sahm - City Journal

The Cristo Rey network applies lessons from the best charter schools to provide opportunities for low-income students.

Politics as religion and religion as politics - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Politics as religion and religion as politics are sure ingredients for demagoguery.

24th Sunday in OT - Father John Horgan - CERC

Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive?

Editorials of Interest:

The Dangers Of 'Dialogue' - The American Conservative
When Love Fades - The Culture Project

Editorials of Interest

Full text of Pope Francis' in-flight press conference from Colombia - Catholic World Report

In his conversation with journalists on the return flight from Cartagena to Rome on Monday, Pope Francis touched on a variety of topics, notably the US government's decision to end DACA and the crisis in Venezuela.

Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter Draws Mixed Reaction - National Catholic Register

Magnum Principium, issued motu proprio, shifts some responsibility for translating liturgical texts from the Vatican to bishops' conferences.

Pope hopes Trump re-thinks DACA decision on immigrant children - Reuters

"The relationship between a young person and his roots is very important."

Pope Francis creates new Pontifical Institute for marriage and family - Catholic Herald

The new John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences will replace the original organisation founded in 1981.

The Splendor of Truth in 2017 - First Things

The truth may not make us comfortable, but it does make us free. And knowing and living the truth ennoble our lives. It is the only path to lasting happiness.

Do you know what separates Protestants and Catholics? Many Protestants seem not to. - Washington Post

What beliefs really separate the Protestant and Catholic adherents of today, though? The Pew Research Center created a survey that found some surprising results.

The Dangers Of 'Dialogue' - The American Conservative

To enter into a dialogue at all is to concede more than the Church can afford to concede on such a serious matter.

Russian court orders return of Soviet-seized buildings to the Catholic Church - Aleteia

Church official warns that local officials may still block the transfer of confiscated property.

In The Long Run, 9/11 Didn't Bring Us Any Closer Together - The Federalist

What if Americans don't really share any coherent, unifying cultural or idealistic values anymore?

Judge Suspends City's Ban of Farmers Over Their Marriage Views - The Stream

The family can sell their produce at a farmers market while their case progresses.

Liberalism and the Campus Rape Tribunals - NY Times

Making libertinism safe for consenting semi-adults requires the evacuation of due process.

The Dogma of Dianne Feinstein - NY Times

Today liberals have their own tolerance blind spot, and Christians are most likely to get caught in it.

Parents Pull Second Child From School After Fight Over Transgender Rights Ensues - The Stream

"We believe it is wrong to encourage very young children to embrace transgenderism. Boys are boys and girls are girls. Gender dysphoria is something we as Christians need to address with love and compassion, but not in the sphere of a primary school environment."

Athletic Spirituality and Competition, Part I - Catholic Stand

Being competitive, having the desire to excel, having the internal drive, and possessing a sense that one is playing for something bigger than themselves are a few basic prerequisites for success in sports and the Christian life.

Why meeting a heroin addict changes how we think about addiction - Aleteia

By showing the faces and stories of addiction, the Cincinnati Enquirer encourages compassion as part of the solution.

Struggling with patience? Let this famously impatient saint help you - Aleteia

Impatience is, perhaps, the great vice of our time.

We All Suffer, but Not All Suffering is the Same - NC Register

"We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

When Love Fades - The Culture Project

"Love is not merely a feeling; it is an act of will that consists of preferring, in a constant manner, the good of others to the good of oneself."

Demand Moral Beauty: It Is Our Birthright - Crisis Magazine

Beauty is the call of the Spirit, the invitation to cultivate virtue and to participate with the creativity of life itself that creates ever greater beauty.

Why Our Obsession With TV Antiheroes Is Destroying Our Souls - The Federalist

We log hundreds of hours of couch time with heavy-handed romanticizing of sin and darkness. It's bad for TV and for our souls.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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