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June 6, 2018

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

We begin with a reflection from Simone Weil.  "We can never wrestle God too much if we do so out of pure concern for the truth.  Christ loves that we prefer the truth to him, because before being the Christ, he is the Truth."  See "Consecrated in the Truth."

In 754, when attacked by pagans at a group confirmation, St. Boniface convinced his fellow priests to lower their weapons.  He and 52 others were martyred.  But "Christians triumph by defeat, when they suffer defeat in the midst of unflinching courage and burning charity."  Anthony Esolen pens the story of the man without whose missionary spirit "Europe might never have been."

On May 25th, Ireland legalized abortion by referendum in a vote of 66.4% for and 33.6% against.  Fr. Raymond de Souza comments on the post-legalization celebrations: "The Irish moment confirms what would likely be true in many other places if an abortion referendum were held, namely that the people, well-informed and well-engaged, would choose liberal abortion laws."  See "Popping a Cork for Abortion?"

Samuel Johnson's essays from "The Idler" were (allegedly) "so popular that other publications began reprinting them without permission, prompting Johnson to insert a notice in the Chronicle threatening to do the same to his competitors' material and give the profits to London's prostitutes" (source).  Fr. James V. Schall discusses some of Johnson's ideas "On Forgetfulness."  "If useless thoughts could be expelled from the mind," wrote Samuel Johnson, "all the valuable parts of our knowledge would more frequently recur."  Fr. Schall continues, "We probably prefer not to live in a world that leaves no time or occasion for sundry fleeting thoughts ever to bother us.  But how much might we have learned or invented had we dispelled thoughts 'evil or good' that kept us from being attentive to some worthy purpose?"

Finally, George Weigel writes on Abbot Thomas Frerking, who will relinquish his leadership of St. Louis Abbey in Missouri on June 6th.  "In a culture that Solzhenitsyn rightly criticized for its obsession with 'unlimited freedom in the choice of pleasures,' Abbot Thomas has lived a vocation of self-giving and self-denial, gently summoning the students he taught, their parents, and the monks who kept re-electing him their superior to a nobler understanding of freedom as a matter of choosing the good, freely."

May we all choose the good, freely.  - Meaghen Hale

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"Bachelors have consciences, married men have wives." - Samuel Johnson

New Resources

Consecrated in the Truth - Simone Weil - Awaiting God

In my contemplations on the insoluble problem of God, I did not anticipate the possibility of real contact, person-to-person, here below, between a human and God.

How the Church Has Changed the World: Death to Me is Gain - Anthony Esolen - Magnificat

A young man was walking along the pebbled beach, looking out across the sea toward the east, and praying a prayer of longing.

Popping A Cork For Abortion? - Father Raymond J. de Souza - Convivium

Father Raymond de Souza asks how aborting babies has gone from being a rare individual choice to international cause for breaking out the bubbly.

In a Rearview Mirror - David Warren - The Catholic Thing

Like his father before him, Eric McLuhan had to deal with the tsunami of "information" generated in what has become a seven-billion-channel media universe.

Fatherless Sons in Flannery O'Connor's "The Lame Shall Enter First" - Mitchell A. Kalpakgian - Crisis Magazine

As the city's recreation director, Sheppard took an interest in the youth he encountered in his work.

Grace under pressure - George Weigel - The Catholic Difference

A chapter in a remarkable American and Catholic life will close on June 6, when Abbot Thomas Frerking, OSB, concludes more than two decades of service as leader of the monastic community at St. Louis Abbey.

On Forgetfulness - Father James V. Schall, S.J. - The Catholic Thing

In "The Idler" (September 1, 1759), Samuel Johnson observed: "Men complain of nothing more frequently than loss of memory."

Moral order, the current mess, and a theological reading of history - George Weigel - Catholic World Report

"As I explain in several essays in the book," says George Weigel "our politics are a mess because our political culture is a mess, and that's because our public moral culture is a mess."

How to understand the concept of religious freedom - Joe Carter - Acton Institute Powerblog

Sometimes it helps to have concepts or ideas explained to us like we're a child.

Genocides and persecutions - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

At each Mass in our parish we recite the Prayer to Saint Michael, which was written by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 when the temporal sovereignty of the Holy See was under attack.

Editorials of Interest:

Kid vs Hawking - Facebook

Editorials of Interest

Could Pope Francis be shifting his stand on gay influence? - Catholic Culture

Pope Francis has reaffirmed the Church's policy barring active homosexuals from seminaries.

Francis Blocks the Document by the German Bishops in Favor of Intercommunion - L'Espresso

The papal letter blocks the publication of the document of the German bishops that ignited the controversy and reassigns the question to a more mature reflection at the level of the "universal" Church.

Vatican hospital issues new charter on rights of 'incurable' children - CNA

Consisting of 10 articles, the hospital's new charter affirms that proper medical care does not involve just looking for a cure, but also includes palliative care, as well as spiritual and psychological support for the family.

Dramatic photo shows bishop blessing priest in Ebola quarantine - Catholic Herald

A picture of Fr. Lucien Ambunga, who was said to have contracted the disease after ministering to a dying patient, kneeling as a bishop prayed for him across a fence went viral earlier in the week.

2 Principles of Catholic social doctrine hailed as solution to America's political divide - Aleteia

Solidarity says we should help everyone. Subsidiarity says the best way to do that is to empower those who know them best — their families and communities.

Notre Dame's Confusing Contraception Decision - NC Register

If an institution does not defend innocent life, it can be called many things, but it should not be called Catholic.

Kid vs Hawking - Facebook

William Maillis, an 11-year-old genius, thinks he can prove Hawking's theory wrong.

Supreme Court rules in favor of baker who declined to make same-sex wedding cake - NC Register

The 7-2 decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v Colorado Civil Rights Commission could be a landmark ruling for freedom of religion and conscience cases.

Threats of Murder Go Unpunished at Providence College - Crisis Magazine

When you give your heart and soul to politics, you lose your sense of decency, proportion, plain dealing, and human kindness. It does not matter what the politics is.

US-based student loans stopping you from applying for CSP seminary? There is help. - TACS

Of an estimated 10,000 individuals in the US each year discerning the seminary or religious life, 42% are blocked from doing so because of student debt.

Europe: Not as secular as you think - rns

A new survey by the Pew Research Center looks past the headlines that worry the established churches to ask what Western Europeans think about religion.

May 25th was the burial, not the death, of "Catholic Ireland" - Catholic World Report

Today, it is clear that Ireland does not have the political or media outlets to oppose the liberal agenda currently unleashed on the Irish people.

The Islamization of England and the Arrest of Tommy Robinson - Crisis Magazine

The threat to Britons who speak out about Islamization comes not just from Muslims, but also from the authorities who have, in effect, bowed to Islam.

Being Our Brother's Keeper Requires Moral Judgment - Crisis Magazine

The preconditions are that we know the standards of moral conduct set down in Scripture and Church teaching, we have taken stock of our own spiritual state against those standards, and we have addressed them through confession and repentance.

The Interior Life and Excessive Work - Catholic Exchange

No external, physical, social, or educational work frees us from the need for spiritual work.

The splintering of social manners and the need for heroic generosity - Catholic World Report

If our response to real or perceived injustice is itself uncivil, are we actually promoting positive cultural change?

Why venting causes more problems than it solves - Aleteia

And what you can do to actually feel better about a problem or person.

Ten Ways to Win the Battle for Purity - Catholic Exchange

This plan is applicable for parents, teens, and even children so that we can avoid the ever-present danger of the attacks against purity and, if we have fallen, to gently and confidently return to the Lord, through the intercession of Mary, with all our hearts.

The relationship red flag that means it's time to have a talk with your spouse - Aleteia

This is like a homing beacon; it helps to pinpoint where the problem is.

What Practicing NFP is Like: One Man Shares His Thoughts - Catholic Link

The difficulty for me, as a husband, is not the abstinence portion.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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