Make a Donation
April 5, 2017

Note from the Managing Editor:

Our deepest thanks to those of our readers who have contributed so far during CERC's Lenten appeal.  But we've received donations from only 72 of our 19,707 subscribers, amounting to approximately $2,500 US and $800 Canadian.

Please help us with even a small donation this Lent.  We need more of you who value CERC to send us something to keep our little shoestring operation going.  You can donate here.

Meaghan tells me St. John Bosco was once asked if he felt badly asking the rich for money.  "No," he allegedly replied, "for it is their only means of salvation." 

Now CERC is not St. John Bosco, and all of you are not rich, but we all share in the responsibility to help keep going those Catholic initiatives that help us in living our faith today.

No amount is too small, so please consider sending us something.  Please donate here.

And may all the blessings of this holy season, especially as we approach Holy Week, be yours.  - J. Fraser Field

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"The Church has vast boundaries to defend, and each generation finds itself called to service upon a different front." - Evelyn Waugh

New Resources

Loving Our Enemies - Ronda Chervin - from Church of Love

Thus, as an example, Christ teaches us that to hate our neighbor is contrary to the love of God.

Why Do We Cover Crucifixes and Statues During Lent? - Philip Kosloski - Aleteia

Veils over sacred images keep our minds on the promise of Easter.

Pope Francis's Achilles Heel - William Doino Jr. - First Things

In a recent interview with the German paper Die Zeit, Pope Francis declared, "I am a sinner and am fallible."

The Most Difficult Penance I've Ever Been Given - Rebecca Frech - National Catholic Register

"Sacred Scripture and the Church's traditional practice see in large families a sign of God's blessing and the parents' generosity." (CCC 2373)

Dogma and the Age of Anxiety - Father Jerry J. Pokorsky - The Catholic Thing

It's quite common these days to hear disparaging comments about Catholic dogma and doctrine.

One Young Woman's Practical Wisdom about Virtuous Living - Kathryn Jean Lopez - National Review Online

Tips for those seeking faithfulness.

Jacqueline de Decker - Heather King - Magnificat

Jacqueline de Decker, also known as Mother Teresa's "spiritual powerhouse," fascinates and inspires.

Hell's Kitchen and St. Michael's - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

When the original and lamented Pennsylvania Station designed by McKim, Mead & White was under construction in the first decade of the last century, our parish was not in a salutary area.

5th Sunday of Lent - Father John Horgan - CERC

The Gospel of the resurrection of Lazarus marks the culmination of Jesus's miracles in the Gospel of John.

Editorials of Interest:

Impurity and the Lie - Crisis Magazine
Thoughts on Suicide - Crisis Magazine
Catholic Education Matters - The Catholic Thing

Editorials of Interest

Cardinal Sarah's Address on the 10th Anniversary of "Summorum Pontificum" - Catholic World Report

If you have time to read just one article over the weekend, it should be this one!

The Pope Video 04-2017 - YouTube

The Pope Video: Young people have in their hands the challenge of building a more just future, a future of solidarity.

Just a Little Talk with Jesus Makes It Right: A Homily for the Third Sunday of Lent - Community in Mission

I am mighty glad that the Lord does not merely write us off when we say no to Him.

Life's not fair: finding joy by accepting things as they are - The Catholic Gentleman

One of the most pernicious lies of the modern world is that life is supposed to be easy and comfortable.

Lectio Divina for the Fifth Sunday of Lent - USCCB

How does my hope in the Resurrection influence the way I live my daily life?

Temptation and Lenten Penance - Ignitum Today

C. S. Lewis' three conditions for a well-sailed fleet correspond to three conditions found in a good life and a good society.

This Life: He never imagined being a priest. But then he felt the call — and it terrified him. - Washington Post

Anthony Ferguson was leading a normal life as a graphic designer in Richmond when he felt the call to the priesthood and decided to enter the seminary at the Catholic University of America.

What You Need to Know About 9 of the Most Important Religious Orders - ChurchPOP

A series of infographics giving you the nuts and bolts of the Franciscans, Carthusians, Jesuits, Benedictines, Salesians, Missionaries of Charity, Dominicans, Augustinians, and Carmelites.

Baroque rifle-wielding Peruvian angels of the 17th century - Aleteia

"Angeles arcabuceros" are to be found nowhere but in Cuzco.

Attacks on Mike Pence are ridiculous - Washington Post

We should demand integrity from our leaders and not criticize them when they choose to uphold it.

The Jihadi Who Turned to Jesus - NY Times

"There's a big gap between the god I used to worship and the one I worship now. We used to worship in fear. Now everything has changed."

Fighting the Ideologies of Contraception, Divorce, and Gender - Catholic World Report

"So much of society suppresses the harm that the Sexual Revolution has had on individuals, covering it up with what I call 'happy talk,'" says Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute.

Supreme Incoherence: Transgender Ideology and the End of Law - First Things

Transgender ideology instructs that the body does not reveal the person; the mind does. Except that the mind is invisible, and so reveals nothing.

The Man in the Women's Room, and Why He Can Stay There - The Stream

What science can you have when the society and the law treat sex and gender as choices? You can't have a science when the choices have no agreed outward signs.

Confessions of a Porn-Addicted Priest - America Magazine

I was aware of my sin. But I was equally aware that I didn't intend to stop.

Impurity and the Lie - Crisis Magazine

The plague of pornography and the abuse of sexuality, compulsions that enslave so many souls, begin with a lie that must be unmasked and cast out if ever we are to regain our freedom as sons and daughters of God.

What's the most convincing argument against porn? Science. - CNA

One of the most commonly believed myths is that pornography does not hurt anyone. But credible scientific research has found that pornography harms people personally, relationally, and societally.

Thoughts on Suicide - Crisis Magazine

"Man, as a being set entirely in a context of relationship, cannot come to himself through himself, although he cannot do it without himself either."

Is this how the consummation of the world begins? - Aleteia

Are we on the way to fulfillment or disintegration?

A Saving Grace for Kids in Need - City Journal

Tax credits for parochial education offer real opportunities for the poor.

Catholic Education Matters - The Catholic Thing

There are two equal and opposite mistakes people often make about Catholic secondary education — both well intentioned, both fatal for the future of the Church.

King Solomon's Temple, rebuilt in 3D - Aleteia

The First Temple virtually reconstructed following the description found in the First Book of Kings.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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