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April 3, 2019

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

We really do need your help during Lent this year.

When I first interviewed for the job of Assistant Editor, Mr. Field emphasized the importance of daily prayer.  "In apostolate," he said, "you have to get out of the way — and the only way to do that is by cultivating a deep interior life."

I am still learning.  And Lent is a wonderful time to grow: it challenges me to pray more, to fast consciously, and to give to God without worry.

CERC is an apostolate.  Our mission is to spread the truth and to serve you — and to do that, we need your help.  Giving to God is as simple as clicking below.

God bless you.  - Meaghen Gonzalez


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"We must wait for God, long, meekly, in the wind and wet, in the thunder and lightning, in the cold and the dark. Wait, and He will come. He never comes to those who do not wait." - Father William Faber

New Resources

Saint Francis: A Lamb among Wolves - Georges Bernanos - from Bernanos: An Ecclesial Existence

Whoever pretends to reform the Church with...the same means used to reform temporal society — not only will he fail in his undertaking, but he will infallibly end by finding himself outside the Church.

The New Pagans and the Church - Father Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) - Homiletic and Pastoral Review

The Church is no longer, as she once was, a Church composed of pagans who have become Christians, but a Church of pagans, who still call themselves Christians, but actually have become pagans.

Jordan Peterson on Cain and Abel - Christopher Kaczor - Public Discourse

Abel's suffering leads to his self-development as a warrior. Cain's suffering leads to envy, malevolence, and murder. This essay explicates and develops Peterson's interpretation of the story.

How the Church Has Changed the World: The Heart in Pilgrimage - Anthony Esolen - Magnificat

A young man is sitting at his desk, his quill poised above the parchment while he glances toward a French poem at his side.

Jussie Smollett and the Hazards of Moral Sentimentality - Lance Morrow - The Wall Street Journal

A well-known story says that when President Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, he remarked, "So you are the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war."

A religious upbringing greatly helps adolescents - Arthur Goldberg - Mercatornet

A Harvard study finds that actively religious parents have a lasting, positive effect.

Joy without a cause - Father George W. Rutler - From the Pastor

Thirty-five years ago I admired the neo-Gothic buildings of a Catholic college in Westchester County.

Editorials of Interest:

Glorious Chastity - Bishop Strickland
Bring your parish back to life: here's how - California Catholic Daily
Science Is Never Settled - Crisis Magazine
For a Time Such as This - First Things

Editorials of Interest

Archbishop Chaput's Address at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota - Archdiocese of Philadelphia

"There's some good in the world, and it's worth fighting for."

Glorious Chastity - Bishop Strickland

In the year 2019, we live in a world that's off kilter. One of the deepest roots of the present chaos is the lack of willingness to embrace Glorious Chastity.

The Danger of Conflating Sexual Abuse With Abuse of Power - NC Register

Fr. Raymond de Souza on how the February summit of bishops at the Vatican signaled a turning point in how the Church is framing sexual abuse.

A Victim of Catholic Clergy Sexual Assault Speaks Out - NC Register

It has already been 17 years since the scandals originally broke in 2002. How much longer must the faithful wait for resolutions and accountability from the hierarchy?

Bring your parish back to life: here's how - California Catholic Daily

Mass attendance is up 12 percent and income has more than doubled at Star of the Sea in San Francisco.

Evangelizing the bayou: Catholic friar canoes a call to church - Aleteia

"The Lord's voice resounding over the waters."

Let your lives flourish and bear fruit, Pope urges young people in new exhortation - Catholic Herald

Discovering your vocation 'will bring you more joy and excitement than anything else in this world', Pontiff says.

The mental health crisis among America's youth is real — and staggering - Mercatornet

Teens today spend less time with their friends in person and more time communicating electronically, which study after study has found is associated with mental health issues.

Heartbeat bill passes Georgia Senate - CNA

The Georgia Senate has approved a bill that would ban abortions after an unborn baby's heartbeat can be detected, about six weeks into pregnancy.

Unplanned — A Pro-Life Film That Doesn't "Play It Safe" - Crisis

"Beam me up Scotty." These are an abortionist's words directing a nurse to turn on the suction machine.

The More Children a Woman Has, the More Slowly She Will Age, Study Suggests - People

A study conducted in 2016 revealed that giving birth to more children could slow down aging in women.

When artificial hormones take over your body - Natural Womanhood

Most women who have been on the pill can tell: their brain is affected, their gut is affected, their energy and mood are affected. And that's only what they can perceive. But how can we know what artificial hormones really do to the women who absorb them?

School is an economy and its currency is the grade - Medium

Any meaningful school reform needs to recognize the reality of our educational system.

Unmasking the College-Admissions Fraud - City Journal

The real scam has less to do with the wealthy cheaters who got caught than with the university system itself.

Science Is Never Settled - Crisis Magazine

Only in a climate of open inquiry can we hope to unravel this complex issue in order to responsibly balance our mandate to "fill and multiply" with our charge to manage and enrich creation.

Covered with blood: A better understanding of Exodus 12:7 - Ministry Magazine

Have you ever wondered why God asked the children of Israel to paint blood on the lintel and two doorposts of the door to their houses prior to the tenth plague?

For a Time Such as This - First Things

Although God was working behind the scenes, we should not overlook the existential choices Mordechai and Esther made throughout the narrative of Purim.

Choosing Lenten devotionals: Wisdom from Blessed Columba Marmion - Like Mother Like Daughter

A guide especially for women who are busy with so many cares and who are consumers of the many devotionals on social media.

Temptation is inevitable; sin is not - CWR

Lent is an opportunity to do intensively what should be done normally.

The fascinating history of the "We adore you, O Christ" prayer from the Stations of the Cross - Aleteia

The saint who gave us this prayer is best known for his love of the poor.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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