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January 27, 2021

Note from the Assistant Managing Editor:

We have an amazing lineup of articles for you this week.

First is Hadley Arkes' "Biden as an "Authoritative Type."  "What Biden's example offers ... in a way that cannot be missed — is that one can be a good Catholic and yet, in the most insouciant manner, just wave Catholic teaching aside as a matter not to be taken seriously.  One would have to be blind to the ways of the world to believe that this kind of a lesson, taught by the most visible public figure in the land, will not have the most profound, corrosive effect."

Then, "The life, faith, and struggle of Joseph Ratzinger: An interview with Peter Seewald."  This is enlightening not just for what we learn about our Pope Emeritus, but for what we learn about Seewald's own conversion — and how just meeting Pope Benedict brought it about.

Then we reprint the "USCCB President's Statement on the Inauguration of Joseph R.  Biden, Jr., as 46th President of the United States of America."  This is especially important at a time when we need to hear the words of a strong episcopal leader who is, as the popular saying goes, speaking truth to all kinds of power.

Same goes for "Archbishop Cordileone's Response to Pelosi's Comments" after Nancy Pelosi somehow managed to utter the absolute absursdity that pro-life voters for Trump caused her "great grief as a Catholic."

We wrap it all up with the words of Pope Benedict himself, predicting the future of the Church.  "And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. It may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but it will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man's home, where he will find life and hope beyond death."

God bless you all this week!  - Meaghen Gonzalez

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"Evil draws its power from indecision and concern for what other people think." - Pope Benedict XVI"

New Resources

Where We Secure Our Lives - Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman - from Waiting for Christ: Meditations for Advent and Christmas

Our Lord Jesus Christ, after dying for our sins on the cross and ascending on high, left not the world as he found it, but left a blessing behind him.

Biden as an "Authoritative Type" - Hadley Arkes - The Catholc Thing

Aristotle recognized that the political man, raised to high office, becomes an "authoritative type."

The life, faith, and struggle of Joseph Ratzinger - Peter Seewald - Catholic World Report

The veteran German journalist discusses his new biography of Benedict XVI, and reflects in detail on Ratzinger's childhood, personality, education, and role in key Church events.

Open Letter to Pope Francis on Prenatal Justice - Charles C. Camosy - Public Discourse

A moral theologian urges Pope Francis to bring his forceful defense of prenatal children into a more central place of his pontificate.

USCCB President's Statement on the Inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Most Reverend Jose H. Gomez - USCCB

My prayers are with our new President and his family today.

Archbishop Cordileone's Response to Speaker Pelosi's Comments About Pro-Life Voters - Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone - Archdiocese of San Francisco

On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized prolife voters who voted for Donald Trump on the abortion issue...

When Father Joseph Ratzinger Predicted the Future of the Church - Tod Worner - Aleteia

Laying it out in a 1969 broadcast on German radio ...

Editorials of Interest

Updated: Vatican intervened to spike US bishops' Biden statement release - Pillar Catholic

The U.S. bishops' conference held back a statement on incoming President Joe Biden Wednesday morning, after officials from the Vatican Secretariat of State intervened before the statement could be released.

Some Troubles in Dublin - The Catholic Thing

The Archbishop-Elect of Dublin, Dermot Farrell, gave an interview to the Irish Times soon after his appointment had been announced by the Holy See, calling the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on homosexuality merely technical.

Fr. Tad Pacholczyk with Raymond Arroyo - EWTN (youtube>

On Thursday, Vatican News confirmed that both Pope Emeritus Benedict and Pope Francis have received the currently available COVID-19 vaccines.

A New Carmel - Crisis Magazine

It is 4:00 a.m. and fifteen Carmelite sisters arise to this call, dating back to the days of their foundress, Saint Terese of Avila.

New Carmelite Monastery of Jesus, Mary & Joseph in Fairfield, Pennsylvania - LAJ

Many readers will be happy to know progress is being made with the construction of the new traditional Carmel in Fairfield, Pennsylvania.

Racing Canada to Tyranny - Crisis Magazine

There is an ugly character trait that many Canadians revel in — namely, anti-Americanism.

A Guide to Living in an Orwellian Digital Age - Eric Sammons

Essentially, our Tech Oligarchs have decided they are the sole arbiters of what you can and cannot say on the Internet. So what can we do?

Daniel Hannan: If a restaurant can refuse to serve you, Amazon can refuse to host Parler - Conservative Home

Trump's Twitter ban is being treated as a free speech issue, but it isn't. Properly understood, it's a free association issue.

Burke on the Inhumanity of the French Revolution - The Imaginative Conservative

Whatever its own stated purposes and desired ends, the French Revolution never sought to better the condition of humanity or even of France. The Revolutionaries, as Edmund Burke stressed, were radicals, seeking civil war not only in France, but also in all of Christendom.

The Limits of Politics - First Things

Last week brought us the image of a half-naked man, painted and crowned with buffalo horns, howling from the speaker's dais in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol. Seeing him standing there, it is not unreasonable to conclude that we have all lost our minds. But why?

Peace of God - Catholic Stand

Try as I do to maintain my inner peace during these crazy times, I cannot hold onto it.

Couple praises Padre Pio's recipe for a happy marriage - Aleteia

Sixty years later, these close friends of the holy priest can attest that his advice worked!

Ireland's Mothers & Baby Homes story has a personal dimension. This is mine. - Mercatornet

It's easy to see the wrongs of the past. Are we making the same mistakes ourselves?

St. John Henry Cardinal Newman and
St. Justin Martyr, pray for us

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