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22 Ways to Respond to Common Abortion Questions


Here are a few key points to remember the next time you find yourself in a discussion about abortion:

newborn756"What about rape and incest?"

  1. Rape and incest account for 2% of all abortions.  It's bizarre to say, "Let's kill 98% of children in the womb because… there's some other child who might have been conceived as a result of rape or incest."  In other words, what about the 98% that aren't conceived via rape and incest?
  2. Do the conditions of your conception decide what species you are? Of course not.  If they did, then all poor people would have be sterilized to make sure they don't give birth.  (Oh, wait! That was Margaret Sanger's and Marie Scope's mantra.  They were the racists who started Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International, respectively.)
  3. Are you uncomfortable about the death penalty for rapists and murders? Then why would you wish to execute the innocent child of a rapist?
  4. It is true that the child might be the progeny of a rapist, but we know for certain that the child also belongs to her mother.  Killing your own child to be free of a memory which, as everyone admits, can never be effectively removed from a woman's mind, is cutting off your nose to spite your face.  Many women who have had abortions suffer depression because of their "right to choose death"―one often forced upon them by a husband or boyfriend.

"A woman has the right to control her own body."

  1. No one has ever said differently.  Outside of Islam and Islamic law, where a woman's worth is often treated as only a fraction of that of a man, nobody wishes to control women.  Instead, a child in the womb is her own person—and if her body and life aren't respected, what reason is there to respect anyone's bodily autonomy and right to life?

"It's the law!"

  1. So is the right to life.  In fact, it's the first civil right listed in the Declaration of Independence―a document that makes no mention to the "so-called" right to abortion.  Abortion is a legal fiction.  It's a bad day for democracy when people can take away a basic right that is clearly spelled out in our country's founding documents.
  2. Laws can and do change.  Scientific determination and understanding of how and when human life begins does not.

"Some parents are incompetent."

  1. It's unfortunate that the two individuals responsible for the child's existence think more of their "right" to produce a child by their selfish carelessness rather than accepting their child as their new responsibility.  Had their own parents, in turn, forsaken their new found responsibilities, those interested in abortion wouldn't be around to consider abortion as an option.
  2. Pregnancy centers offer free classes in parenting to expectant mothers and fathers.
  3. The couple in question might very well be incompetent, but their child is still a human being and can be raised by other more competent and loving people through adoption.

"Mothers are unsupported."

  1. Perhaps this is true in developing countries where single mothers are looked down upon, but not in the West.  We have myriad programs to care for pregnant women who find themselves in tight economic situations, including nearly 3,500 pregnancy centers—many of which are operated by Catholics.  The centers provide close to 300,000 mothers and fathers with parenting classes every year.  Pro-life pregnancy centers drew nearly 2 million clients in 2017 and provided more than $161 million in free services.  More than 24,000 clients received support after an abortion, including counseling and referral to professional help when needed.

"What about poverty?"

  1. Cure poverty.  Don't kill humans.  Killing poor people will definitely "cure" poverty, but that's inhumane and senseless.  Further, at what point is someone poor? When they can't afford a summer vacation? When they can't afford their $150 monthly cable bill or the newest iPhone model? Poverty isn't an issue in a welfare state.  All children, including those of the poor, are human, welcomed and valued.  Humans are never disposable.

"She's not ready to be a parent."

  1. No one is ready to be a parent.  It's called "baptism by fire."  What could possibly be so important that the death of her child is the answer? Finishing college? Running for political office? Bringing peace to the Middle East? All of these jobs can be accomplished while pregnant and with children in tow.

"What if it's an inconvenient pregnancy?"

  1. We live in a universe in which we must become morally responsible and logically consistent in order to become logical, morally responsible adults.  It behooves no one, especially the murdered child, to say, "Sorry, honey! I'm more important than you are and I've got places to be!"

"What about infant disabilities?"

  1. So the child isn't as "perfect" as you had hoped? Take a ticket and get in line.  No one is perfect.  Must all children possessing a normal range of intelligence (90% of the world's population) be killed to make room for the übermenschen of your utopic and eugenic imagination? I doubt many abortionists would be eager to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of someone "more worthy" than herself for the sake of the species.  This is simply narcissism, plain and simple.
  2. If your child or loved one were to "become" less than perfect at a later time due to disease or accident, would the pro-abortionist be as eager to kill them then? Looking at a disabled person and seeing how they fall short of your own supposed perfection is an atrocious standard by which to make moral judgments.
  3. Do you know who really hates this ridiculous argument? People with disabilities, that's who.  They don't like it when people insist that murder is the "compassionate option" for those who are "less than perfect."

"We already have too many kids."

  1. And the fact that a family has "too many" kids didn't factor into the decision-making process of whether to engage in sexual relations in the first place? That's odd.  Those who make this claim insist it's a point of serious consideration.  If it's not so serious a consideration to seriously consider before sex, then it's not a serious consideration to seriously consider after the pregnancy occurs.

"It's not a baby."

  1. If it's not a baby, why do pregnant woman say, "I'm having a baby?" Why must science and physical reality take a back seat to "feelings?" Facts are facts, and the fact is, it is a baby.

"It's not a human."

  1. If the baby isn't a human, what species is it?

"We have to consider overpopulation and climate change."

  1. Climate change has happened throughout our planet's history and we're still here.  The best hope for the planet is the next generation.  Without it, the world and our species will be truly doomed.

"She's going to have an abortion anyway, we might as well make it convenient."

  1. Murder is never convenient for the victim.  Why stop at abortion? Perhaps we can make other crimes easier as well.  This is bad reasoning of the first order.  It's never been a wise choice for human societies to encourage bad behavior.

This article is part one of a two part series—see part two here.


This is Meaghen Gonzalez, Editor of CERC. I hope you appreciated this piece. We curate these articles especially for believers like you.

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Angelo Stagnaro. "22 Ways to Respond to Common Abortion Questions." National Catholic Register (May 28, 2019).

This article is reprinted with permission from National Catholic Register. To subscribe to the National Catholic Register call 1-800-421-3230. 

The Author

Angelo Stagnaro ("Erasmus") performs as a stage magician and mentalist and divides his time between Europe and North America. He is the editor of "Smoke & Mirrors," the Net's largest e-zine for professional magicians. He’s also the Guildmaster of the Catholic Magicians' Guild and a professed member of the Secular Franciscans (Third Order Franciscans). He is the author of The Pro-Life Apologetics Manual.

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