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Faith and Therapy

The therapeutic mode of understanding society and identity is now so integral to modern life that some psychologists predict it will eventually triumph over all other modes, that psychology is destined to provide the frame of reference by which all other beliefs and commitments will be judged.

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Toward the Third Millennium

How to develop in our students the desire to undertake "great and difficult things" and to follow and imitate Christ is the subject of this stimulating article by Daniel McInerny.

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The Value of a Catholic Liberal Arts Education

Rather than seeing Catholic education as merely the addition of a religion course to the usual academic subjects," we want our students to make Christian sense out of what they learn in their natural science, math,"and history courses, in their study of art, music, and literature.

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Program puts home and school at odds

To make mandatory in the schools a program whose catechism is diametrically opposed to the understanding of most traditionally religious people, let alone most parents, is an outrageous challenge to the rights of the citizens and means that what many parents are teaching their children at home is being directly contradicted and undermined by what is going on in the classroom.

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Invitation to the Classics - book review

As liberal arts programs in universities around the country have marginalized those Great Books which constitute the Western Canon, Louise Cowan and Os Guinness have given us Invitation to the Classics, a concise primer for the literary classics.

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Guidelines for Sex Education

The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, published by the Pontifical Council for the Family, is an extremely important document."Hard-hitting and eloquent and the result of 21 years of study and consultation, it states a powerful case for traditional Christian sexual morality.

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Threat of Flunking Motivates Students

The Waco, Texas schools are featured by the national magazine in a report on "the broad national trend against social promotion, which reporter Ben Wildasky called "the long entrenched practice of advancing students to the next grade even if they haven't learned what they should have."

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