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Science and the Story that we Need

A serious spiritual problem confronting us in the technological age is that in having effectively solved the problem of information scarcity, we now find that we lack the transcendent narratives that would provide us with the moral guidance, social purpose, and intellectual economy necessary to tell us what we need to know, and especially what we do not need to know.

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Prophet of Pointlessness' Book Review

Richard Dawkins has been accused of spreading a cold and joyless message, a pessimistic nihilism and his latest book, Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder, was written in response to these charges. But the book is based, in its entirety, on a simple mistake.

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Material Guy

Edward O. Wilson, in his book Consilience: the Unity of Knowledge, tries to make the case that morality is simply a product of evolution, a more developed version of a survival instinct that originated in our animal ancestors.

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Beyond the Death of God

While our attention has been riveted on the momentous political and ideological realignments that mark the century's end, we have all but overlooked a quiet revolution in scientific understanding with far more radical implications for the modern world view.

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New Physics, New Theology

John Polkinghorne's Belief in God in an Age of Science, based on his Terry Lectures at Yale, explores the sweeping consequences of recent revolutions in science for the conflict between skepticism and faith.

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Science and Religion in Identity Crisis

Three hundred or so years ago not a few scientists spoke of science and religion as united in a holy alliance. Two hundred years later theologians could do little about the warfare in which science and religion appeared to be locked forever.

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