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We Hardly Knew Her

Like much of the world, the postulator of Mother Teresa's cause, Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, thought the story of Mother was summed up by her simple faith. The work he did revealed much more.

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The world remembers Professor Jérôme Lejeune as the world-class geneticist who discovered the genetic cause of Down's syndrome. While his scientific accomplishments go far beyond that landmark discovery, those who knew Dr. Lejeune personally saw a different side of his nature. They saw his heart and the great compassion he had for all who suffered.

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Christmas Eve With the Pope

Andreas Widmer was casual about his faith until an unexpected encounter with Pope John Paul II. On watch as a Swiss Guard on Christmas Eve 1986, Widmer discovered a compassionate Pope who cared deeply about his sorrow.

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My Thorn in the Flesh

Carl Cleveland had it all. Wealth. Love. Success. Then the FBI showed up. Out of the blue, he faced obscure legal charges. He was innocent, but the deck was stacked. His sentence: 10 years in prison. Cleveland relates his riveting tale - a story of three grueling years in prison where he was sustained by constant prayer. And ending in joyful victory - an appeal that would prove to be the fastest handed down in Supreme Court history.

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Forgiving the Unforgivable

Mike and Kathie Clarey suffered the worst trauma any parent can endure. Their beloved 11-year-old daughter was brutally murdered. In the days that followed, the Clareys were numb with grief. Yet in the midst of their pain, they experienced God's amazing grace. And while the suffering didn't go away, it became a source of deep peace as Our Lord brought good out of evil.

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Pentecostal pastor now a Catholic

Alex Jones had been a Pentecostal minister for nearly 30 years, almost 20 of them as pastor of his own church, but when he was confirmed at St. Suzannes Catholic Church in Detroit last year, he told the parish priest, "Im home."

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Shortly after the third birthday of her firstborn, Mabel and her two boys left South Africa for England. Her husband, who was unable to vacate his banking post at the time, was to join her as soon as the opportunity arose. The opportunity never did arise. While still confined to South Africa and 5,000 miles away from his family, he died as a result of a severe hemorrhage.

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America is baring her soul

What does a visitor from a foreign but friendly country sense about the United States just days before the first anniversary of the September 11th attacks? G.K. Chesterton, one such visitor who came a long time ago, wrote that this was a "country with the soul of a church." America is baring her soul this week.

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Jim Balmer: Lifelong Conversion

Dawn Farm in Ann Arbor, Michigan is a place where addicts and alcoholics recover the lives they lost to drugs and alcohol. Recover is an innocent-sounding verb for the grueling, gut-wrenching metamorphosis that takes place in the human body and spirit as it separates from the chemical demons that possess it. But close to 75 percent of the people who undergo treatment at Dawn Farm really do reclaim their lost lives and achieve long-term recovery.

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