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The Consolation of a Good Murder Mystery

Personal trials and the chaos of summer have me buried in Agatha Christie yet again, seeking the distinct assurance that only a good murder mystery can provide. But what is it about a good who-done-it that calms our existential despair?

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The Bookshelf: Thinking Out Loud

Prose is not poetry, yet it has its own rhythms; and the writer's meaning—conveyed not in bare words alone but in emphases, inflections, punctuations—can be clarified by speaking and hearing it as well as by seeing it. But reading well aloud takes practice.

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In Memoriam: Ian Ker (1942-2022)

The great biographer of Newman, a convert from Anglicanism, always inspired fondness in those who reveled in his wit, his bonhomie, his learning, and his very real, if inconspicuous pietas.

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