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Guardian Angels

The guardian angel simply has one task that has many facets to lead the human to the Passion and Cross. Embracing the cross is the only way human beings reach heaven. He does this mainly through pricking our conscience so we can follow the will of God.

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How Many Times a Day May One Receive Communion?

How many times can a person receive Holy Communion each day? I attended the Chrism Mass this past Holy Thursday, and then the Mass in the evening at my parish. I received Holy Communion both times. A friend, though, said that I could only receive once a day.

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The Virtue of Courtesy

Courtesy is the entrance-level virtue that allows strangers to suddenly feel that they are kindred spirits. It is also the foundation on which other virtues might be established, such as kindness, thoughtfulness, amicability, and generosity.

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Self-Love and the Sin of Avarice

If you remember being taught in grammar school that pride is the root of all sins, or if you are fortunate enough to have studied St. Thomas Aquinas who shows why sins concerning material things are intrinsically less grave, less corruptive, than spiritual sins like envy and sloth, you may want to pull back the reins and exclaim Why does St. Paul go so far as to say that avarice or love of money is the root of all evil?

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The Virtue of Decency

In the 1937 film Gone With the Wind, Clark Gable shocked a nation of moviegoers when he said to Vivien Leigh, Frankly, my dear, I dont give a dam.

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